Years of training kicked in. I straightened and placed my hand in his.
Everett’s fingers tightened around mine, and I desperately sought comfort from their warmth. Theirstrength. He could feel me trembling now, but there was no hiding it. Without a word, he guided me down the stairs and onto the dance floor. The crowd parted for him as easily as before, but they were staring atmenow. They audibly inhaled when I passed by, gasping when they realized what I was.
Everett ignored them all, his strides strong and steady. When he reached the center of the room, he turned and reeled me in. I swallowed a gasp as his hand on my lower back pulled me flush against him.
Spirits save me, he wasn’t eventryingto keep his distance. Not even a little.
He splayed his fingers wide over my bare skin and breathed in my ear, “You look mouthwatering in that dress, but I can’t wait to take it off you later.”
My cheeks flushed scarlet.
Not from embarrassment, but from howrecklesshe was being. I didn’t respond, wholly unprepared for his behavior. We were less than an hour away from all hell breaking loose, and he wasflirtingwith me.
Before I was ready, the music started up again and we were dancing. Muscle memory saved me from stepping on Everett’s toes as he led us into a waltz, his movements sure and confident.
Surprised, I finally found my voice to say, “I didn’t know you could dance.”
“I’m a one-hundred-eighty-eight-year-old prince. Of course I can dance.”
I didn’t even bat an eye at his age. I was used to being around ancient creatures who looked like gorgeous supermodels in their early twenties.
After a moment more of silent dancing, he murmured, “You’re in pain.”
“Just a slight headache. Nothing I can’t handle.”
His fingers tightened around my trembling ones. “And nervous.”
I forced myself to lightly laugh. “I’ve never been to a fancy ball before.”
“You’re also scared.”
“I’m the only mortal in a room full of vampires. Of course I’m scared.”
“But that isn’t anything new for you.”
I tipped my head back to smirk at him. “Dancing with their crown prince is.”
His eyes dipped to my mouth. “You’re pretending. You don’t have to pretend with me. Ever.”
My smirk faded, and I looked away, but not fast enough.
“Something’s troubling you. What happened?”
I quickly glanced around to see if anyone had overheard. A couple dancing nearby turned toward us, and I blinked in surprise. Kenna gave me a friendly smile while Loch nodded in silent greeting. Another couple I recognized swept toward us, forming what felt like a protective circle.
As Isla waved and Kade threw me a wink, Everett said through our bond,We won’t let anything happen to you. You’re safe.
But you’re not safe!my mind screamed, so loudly that I felt him tense. Only for a second, but long enough that I knew he’d heard it.
We’ve taken precautions,he tried to reassure me.If anyone is planning to attack us tonight, we’re ready. My father’s wives are safely hidden, and the twins have been sent away. Before this night is over, everything will be revealed. No more masks. No more secrets. We’ll get to the bottom of this once and for all. Every debt, pactum, and coup attempt will be addressed publicly. Anyone who refuses to see reason will be put in their place. Forcefully, if need be.
I opened my mouth to warn him, but thrall silenced the words.
He abruptly dipped his head to ghost his lips over my jaw.
Tensing, I whispered, “What are you doing?”
“Staking my claim,” he rumbled back, aligning his mouth with my ear so he could nibble on the lobe and earring. “Showing every sick bastard in this room who’s touched you that they’ll never touch you again. The only male allowed to touch you from this moment on is me.”