I’d stood up for myself and quit the job that had been sucking the life out of me. I had a soulmate, one who treated me with respect and was doing everything in his power to support me. With each passing day, it was getting easier and easier to genuinely smile. To bemyself.
One more day.
One more day of enduring my mistress. She might be angry with me right now, but what could she possibly do to me in one day?
Everett was right. If she harmed me before the ball, she knew her life would be forfeit. She had no desire to become a martyr, even for her precious cause. That much I knew. So I was safe, at least until the ball.
But as we neared the house, something didn’t feel right. The front door was wide open, and I felt a sudden spike of fear. The fear didn’t belong to me, though. It belonged to . . .
Pepper!I inwardly cried. Before the car could finish rolling to a stop, I was out the door and racing for the house. As I barged inside, the most terrifying scene greeted me.
Georgina had my mouse familiar by the tail and was dangling her in front of the stray tabby. Octavia stood behind her like a spectator at a game, her brown eyes wide as Pepper angrily squeaked and thrashed, trying to bite anything that came too close.
When the cat rose onto his hind legs to bat at Pepper, my heart leapt into my throat. But when Georgina cruelly laughed and shook Pepper like atoy, I lost it.
“You freakingpsycho!” With a battle cry, I launched myself at her.
She looked up, but I was already on her, slapping and punching and clawing and kicking. As I raked my nails down her cheek and drew blood, she shrieked and stumbled back into Octavia. Pepper twisted free and dropped to the floor, but I didn’t stop. Six years’ worth of righteous anger was exploding from me, and I used it to inflict as much damage as I could.
“Run, Pepper!” I shouted, grabbing fistfuls of Georgina’s long golden hair. When I yanked a huge chunk out, she finally reacted, shoving me with a roar. I flew through the air like a ragdoll. My head struck the foyer wall, and everything went dark.
I awoke seconds later, crumpled on the floor with a splitting headache. Georgina was screeching at the top of her lungs, but I ignored her and frantically searched for Pepper.
A shadow fell over me, and I paused to look up at Mistress. My heart plummeted when I saw what she held.
“Isthiswhat you’re looking for?” she said, a sneer pulling at her lips. Pepper squirmed in her grasp, and she slowly tightened her fist, drawing a pained squeak from the mouse.
“Please!” I begged, terror climbing my throat. “Please, don’t hurt her!”
“Killit, Mother!” Georgina screeched again. “She ripped out myhair.”
The chunk of hair was still locked in my fist, but I felt no satisfaction, only fear as I helplessly stared at my tiny familiar clenched in Mistress’s hand.
I’m so sorry, Pepper, I whispered to her, unable to stop my tearsfrom falling.I’m so so sorry.
It’s okay, Ada, she weakly replied.It’s going to be. . .
Her little eyes fluttered shut.
“She can’t breathe!” I cried, scrambling to my feet.
“Don’t move, or I’ll feed her to the cat,” Mistress threatened. I slowly sank back to the floor. “Good. Now that I have your full attention, it’s time we cleared the air. Did you think I didn’t know about your little pet? I’ve known about yourfamiliarfrom the very beginning, Adalyn. For years, I’ve heard her in the walls, foraging around like disease-ridden vermin. I let you keep her so long as you cooperated. But that’s not the case anymore, is it?”
“I’m sorry,” I told her, desperation paralyzing me once more. “I’ll cooperate. I’ll doanything. But please don’t hurt her.”
Mistress arched a manicured brow. “Anything?”
“Yes,” I said, meaning it. She had Pepper, and that’s all I could think about. Nothing mattered but ensuring my familiar’s safety. It was my job, my sacreddutyto protect her.
Satisfied that she was in control once more, Mistress said, “Octavia, put thisthingin a cage. Your job is to keep it alive until I say otherwise.”
“Me? But, Mother, I’mterrifiedof mice. Their little claws and teeth are so—”
“Now, Octavia.”
Her youngest daughter rushed forward and flat out blubbered like a baby as she thrust Pepper into her hands.
“Donotlet it escape. I’m counting on you, Octavia.”