Page 71 of Forever Touched

“Everett,” Loch rumbled in warning. “Remember what we talked about.”

Everett looked about ready to argue, so I quickly said, “I’ll call for help if I need it. I promise.”

“How?” Everett asked.

“Through our bond.”

His eyes met mine in the mirror. “What if the bond isn’t strong enough? What if . . . what if you can’t reach me?”

At the uncertainty, at the openvulnerabilityin his voice, I gave him a soft smile. “It’s strong enough, Everett. You’ve helpedmakeit strong enough.”

But as we neared Faircroft Manor, his uncertainty only grew. I thought for sure he would drive right past the house and keep on going, if it wasn’t for Loch reminding him of the pactum.

Deep down, Everett knew that letting me go was the only way to save me. A pactum was a sacred blood oath that couldn’t be undone unless both parties willed it. If broken, the consequences were often catastrophic. I’d been so distraught over my father’s death at the time that I’d easily agreed to the pactum with Mistress, even when Pepper had begged me not to. I owed the Faircroft family a blood debt, and I’d wanted to prove that I could honor it.

But I realized now how naive I’d been.

A pactum with Mistress was forever—unless shechoseto let me go free. It didn’t matter how hard I worked to pay off my father’s blood debt. Didn’t matter if I gave up my virtue and self worth and dignity. Didn’t matter if I did everything right to please her.

Until she deemed it time to release me, I was hers.

I knew it, and so did Everett. I’d lied to him earlier. Iwasn’tmy own person. As long as Mistress held the leash to my fate, she owned me. So unless I found a way to incriminate her, I wasn’t going anywhere and there was nothing Everett could do about it.

Still, I was barely able to convince him to let me walk inside the house on my own. If I was going to find a way out of this mess, he needed to give me the space to do it. He couldn’t save me this time. I had to deal with this alone like I had been for the past six years.

Only this time, I wasn’t truly alone. I might be the only one entering the house, but I knew Everett was waiting nearby. It was the only way I’d been able to convince him to let me go. As soon as possible, I was to let him know how I fared via our soulmate bond. Until then, he wasn’t going anywhere.

Knowing he wasn’t far away gave me the strength I needed to push forward and enter the house. The second I closed the kitchen door, something rushed toward me. So fast that I didn’t have time to react. In a flash, a hand clamped over my mouth and pinned me against the door.

“Shhh!” a familiar voice hissed, the cold metal of several rings digging into my face.

Quickly adjusting to the house’s gloomy interior, I focused on Mistress, who was no doubt listening for Everett. She wouldn’t hear anything. He’d parked the car a solid mile down the road. She wouldn’t be able to detect any heartbeats from here.


The sound of my familiar’s voice threatened to break my concentration, but I didn’t let my relief show through the invisible mask I’d carefully constructed.

I’m fine, Pep,I quickly responded.No need to worry.

Worry? Are you kidding me? I’ve been going crazy out of my mind!This is the second day in a row that something happened to you. Mistress Evil has been in a temper all day, threatening to enforce the pactum if you didn’t return soon. Is it true that the crown prince stormed into Dreamscape and stole you away?

I’m sorry, Pepper. I really am. I would have contacted you if our bond had allowed it. Speaking of, I have a lot to tell you. Everett didn’t steal me away; herescuedme. And . . . he’s my soulmate.

Soulmate?she loudly squeaked.

As I started to tell her more, Mistress grabbed my chin and forced me to look deeply into her blazing eyes.

“Did you tell the prince anything you’re not supposed to?”

Her thrall invaded my mind like a parasite and pulled words out of my mouth, words that I had no choice but to give her. “Only that my dad was an elder.”

It was the truth. I hadn’ttoldEverett anything. He’d guessed it.

Still, Mistress was far from appeased. Her grip tightened, painfully pressing on my bruises. “Why did he take you?”

“He . . . he wanted me for himself. But I told him I couldn’t stay.”

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. “He didn’tforceyou to stay?”