I smiled, but it slightly wobbled. “Yeah. A great one. I saw a brief glimpse into our future, and . . . and we’re going to be okay, Everett. We’re going to thrive as the new king and queen.”
Relief pulsed through our bond. Resting his forehead on mine, he whispered, “Thank God. That’s just what I needed to hear today.”
“That’s not all, though,” I started to say, but was interrupted by a sharp thudding noise.
“Unca Evy!”
“Auntie Ada!”
As the twins continued to excitedly pound on the front door of our cottage with their tiny hybrid fists, we started to laugh.
“Hello?” a male voice called, and we stopped laughing. “The door was unlocked. Are you two decent?”
“Of course they’re not decent, Lochie. They’re on theirhoneymoon. When Isla and I first got married, we could barely keep our clothes on.”
“You still can’t keep your clothes on,” we heard Loch mutter.
Kade guffawed. “True. When it’s just me and Isla at the lakehouse, we don’t even bother with clothing. You and Kenna should try it sometime. It’s liberating.”
“What? Walk naked around the castle?”
“Why not? I’m totally fine if we start a nudist colony.”
Loch snorted. “Not surprised, but it’s not happening. Neither is that foursome you’ve been pining after.”
Kade roared with laughter, and my eyes widened.
“Don’t ask,” Everett muttered, a faint smirk still on his lips as he lifted off me. At the loss of his warmth—and dick—I stuck my bottom lip out. Chuckling quietly, he bent to whisper against my mouth, “Later.”
Somewhat appeased, I watched him leave the bed and search for his pants, which had somehow landed on a lampshade. Before he could put them on, the door to our bedroom started to rattle. With a yelp, I scrambled to cover myself, flinging a blast of magic at the door to keep it shut.
“Evy! Ada!”
As I quickly wrapped a bedsheet around myself, Everett chuckled again and pulled on his pants so he could let the twins in. They burstinside the moment the door was open, buzzing around their uncle until he swooped down and picked them both up.
“No magic,” he cautioned them, grunting when Zoey placed a hand on his bare chest.
As her hand glowed red, I flicked my fingers, using my own magic to break the connection. Zoey clapped her hands, oblivious to the fact that I’d stopped her from draining the life out of her uncle. Both she and her brother would be forces to be reckoned with someday. They were already a handful, but I still smiled and watched them use their toddler language skills to communicate with Everett.
Catching my stare, he smiled back, and my heart melted.
“Sorry for the intrusion. Nico and Zoey were restless, so we let them play outside and somehow ended up here,” Loch said, poking his head around the door. When he spotted me on the bed, his head vanished.
“Good call, brother,” Everett growled, but he was still smiling.
“Married life definitely suits you, man,” Kade remarked, wise enough to remain in the hallway with Loch. “You’re hardly ever grumpy anymore, even when you sound grumpy. Hopefully you stopped having sex long enough to get a little sleep last night, though. It’s your big day.”
“Ourbig day,” Everett corrected, sliding me another smile. “And our sex life is none of your business.”
“You’re no fun. Loch tells me about his.”
“I do not.”
“Well, you should. I could give you a few pointers.”
“I don’t need pointers.”
“You sure about that? You and Kenna have been married for over six years now. Maybe it’s time to spice things up a bit.”