Georgina let out a loud wail, but Octavia was surprisingly quiet. Maybe there was hope for her yet. It was never too late to turn your life around.
As Loch and Kade led them from the room, exhaustion finally caught up to me. The moment I sagged in Everett’s arms, he bent and scooped me up. I didn’t protest, letting my head fall against his shoulder as he carried me from the room after the others.
“I can’t believe it’s finally over,” I murmured, holding a hand up so Pepper could hop onto my palm.
“Oh, this is just the beginning,” Everett replied, his steps unwavering as he strode down the hall.
I blinked up at him. “What do you mean?”
“Ruling this kingdom won’t be easy. There will be many challenges in our future. Challenges that threaten to tear apart everything we’ve accomplished today.”
Despite his words, I smiled at him.
“Yes,” I agreed, “but we have forever together. What are a few measly challenges compared to that?”
He returned my smile with a brilliant one of his own. “You’re right, baby girl. What are a few challenges when we have forever?”
I stirred awake as a featherlight kiss brushed the nape of my neck.
The lips were warm and soft, slowly trailing down the length of my spine. As the sheet over my naked body vanished so the lips could move farther south, I grinned into my pillow.
“Morning, dearest wife,” the owner of those luscious lips murmured, placing a kiss inside one of the dimples on my lower back.
“Morning, dearest husband,” I sleepily cooed, then giggled when he swirled his tongue around the dimple. He moved farther down, his kisses turning into tiny nips. As he peppered them over my backside, I started to squirm, eager for more.
“Patience,” he rumbled and gripped my thighs to still my movements. “We have all the time in the world, baby girl. There’s no need to rush.”
I twisted in his grip, exposing my upper half to him so I could bat my lashes and purr, “On the contrary, my prince. Today marks the end of our honeymoon. Duty is calling, but I desperately need a few orgasms first. So chop-chop.”
He skated his eyes over my bare breasts in appreciation before replying, “Who says the honeymoon has to end?”
“Oh, just your entire kingdom who expects to see you sworn in as their new king this evening.”
“Ourkingdom,” he corrected. “And I’m not cutting our honeymoon short just because we’re being crowned king and queentoday. As soon as the coronation is over, I’m carrying you up to our bedroom and giving you all the orgasms you desire. But right now, I want to worship your body.Slowly. So turn around and stop squirming.”
More than a little turned on by his speech, I smirked and did as he instructed. “Whatever you say, solem—”
My words ended in a strangled gasp as I felt his fangs sink into my backside. Ecstasy immediately pulsed through me, and I moaned into my pillow. We’d only been married for a week, but I already knew that Everett loved to use his mouth on me. Any chance he could get, he’d find a secluded spot to kiss or bite me.
Despite how possessive he was, he even allowed others to witness his affection for me, openly kissing and touching me in front of family members, the court, and pretty much anyone else who visited the castle.
We’d decided to remain on Sanctum Isle for our honeymoon, knowing that it was important for our future subjects to see us before the coronation. Word had spread of the failed coup attempt, and we’d spent the past few weeks assuring the kingdom that all was well with the royal family.
During the day, we took time to meet with the council and nobles, including the ones that had been under my influence. Everett still struggled to keep his temper in check around them, but whenever he became short with the males I’d once slept with, I used our bond to send him calming thoughts. That and I sat in his lap, which helped ease his possessiveness.
But we didn’t just meet to repair the mental and emotional damage that had been caused. Although we didn’t condone what the rogues had done, there was a need for change. Life as a vampire was markedly easier for the Venturi, and they’d taken their privilege forgranted. It was time to help the Feltore, to allow them a louder voice. They’d been excluded for far too long, seen as weaker and lesser, when what they really needed was our protection.
Change would take time, but at least we were taking that first step toward making a difference.
News of King Ambrose’s abdication had come as a shock to most of the kingdom, but when we’d invited pretty much everyone to attend our coronation—no matter their station—it had gone a long way toward smoothing ruffled feathers.
Our wedding, on the other hand, had been a simple affair. Only family had attended, and the perfect day had ended with the king gifting his eldest son and new daughter-in-law a honeymoon cottage, located on a secluded stretch of beach not far from the castle. We’d stayed there every night for the past week, enjoying the alone time, getting to know each other better, and exploring each other in ways that made evenmeblush.
I’d been bitten more times than I could count in places I didn’t even know could be bitten. Knowing that I could no longer easily break had made Everett ravenous, and he’d spent the past several days showing me how to make love as a vampire.