“Girl, just accept it,” a voice called, and we glanced up to see several figures standing at the top of the stone stairs. “Our mates aredirty, old men.”
Kade barked a laugh. Plucking his wife up with one arm, he twirled her around and sang, “But youlovethat about us. The older and dirtier, the better.”
When he stopped twirling her, Isla batted her lashes up at him and cooed, “If you always look likethis, I don’t mind in the least.”
His bottom lip poked out. “I knew it. You only like me for my abs.”
“And your pecs,” she purred, reaching up to pet his chest. “And a few . . .otherthings.”
He grinned a mile wide.
“Sure you want to be a part of all this?” Everett muttered to me under his breath. “If you run away screaming, I won’t blame you.”
Smirking, I shut the door and came around the car to stand beside him. “I’m completely sure. I think your family is great.”
“Aww,” Kade said, letting go of Isla to descend the stairs with his arms open. “This calls for a hug. You know it has to happen, so don’t even try to stop it, Everett. Adalyn is part of this family and needs to be properly welcomed.”
Everett released a disgruntled growl, but when Kade reached the bottom and kept coming with those massive arms wide open, he didn’t stop him from drawing me into a bear hug.
“Welcome to the family, sweet Adalyn,” Kade murmured, dropping a kiss on the top of my head. “I’m so glad you’re safe now.”
Unexpected tears sprang to my eyes. Overwhelmed by how quickly he’d accepted me despite all the damage I’d caused last night, I squeezed my eyes shut and returned the hug.
After a few moments, Everett grumbled, “Okay, your time is up. Give me back my fiance.”
“Sheaccepted!” Isla squealed, clapping her hands.
We were suddenly surrounded by excited voices offering their congratulations. Isla drew me into a hug next, gushing about how cute Pepper was. Loch embraced me after that, and I sensed that he’d forgiven me as well for all that I’d done. I didn’t hesitate to hug Kenna next, but when I caught a whiff of her hybrid scent, my new instincts fired off on all cylinders once more.
“It’ll get easier. I promise,” she said, pulling back to give me a sympathetic smile. “It helps if you focus on your breathing.”
“And don’t think of your friends as food,” Noah added over her shoulder. He threw me a wink but kept his distance, which was a good thing. As a full-blooded warlock, his scent was even harder to resist.
Sensing my struggle, Everett pulled me back against him, and I immediately felt better, using his closeness to distract me from thoughts of blood.
Is this too much for you?he questioned through our bond.We can leave and come back later. They’ll understand.
I tipped my head back to look up at him.Thanks, but I’ll manage. I’m used to hunger pains.
His lips thinned.Well, that ends now. Anytime you need food or blood, you’ll have it. I never want to see you suffer again.
I smiled at him softly.That’s sweet, but you can’t protect me from everything, Everett. I’m still going to feel pain sometimes.
“Not if I can help it,” he said, dipping his head to claim my lips. Pepper squeaked in protest and dug her sharp little nails into my shoulder to keep from toppling off.
“They are socute,” Isla whispered with a dreamy sigh.
“Get a room, you two!” Kade hollered.
“Kade,” Loch quietly chastised.
“What? It’s time for a little payback, Lochie. Your brother’s beensneering at our PDA foryears. He deserves some egging.”
As if to spite Kade, Everett cupped the back of my head and plunged his tongue into my mouth. When he thoroughly tasted me like a man possessed, my legs turned to jelly.
“Get it, dude. That’s what I’m talking about!” Kade crowed with a wolf-whistle.
“I think you missed a spot,” Noah joined in, making Kade laugh.