Page 103 of Forever Touched

More than once, a rogue almost got the better of me.

I used my knife and weakening magic to ward them off, and they soon moved on, clearly interested in bigger game. I’d barely left the ballroom behind when an earth-shattering roar pounded my eardrums.

Pure devastation flooded the soulmate bond, and I nearly fell to my knees.

He knew. Everett knew that I’d run away.

ADALYN!he roared again, this time through our bond.

I didn’t respond. Couldn’t. He needed to focus on protecting his family, and so did I. Even the slightest distraction could spell our doom.

So I ignored the growing ache in my chest, an ache that had nothing to do with the broken pactum and everything to do with Everett. With the hurt he felt that I’d left him. Apologizing wouldn’t help anyway. No apology could fix what I’d broken. What I’d destroyed.

This was the fate I’d chosen, but I wouldn’t allow it to become my familiar’s fate. I might be dying, but that didn’t mean she had to. I just had to get back to the house before my body gave out. If my last act was freeing Pepper from this life, then I could die knowing that I’d done at least one thing right.

I might have screwed everything up with my soulmate, but he still had his family. Pepper had no one. No one to protect her. I washer one and only hope.

I used that knowledge to fuel me onward, to stop myself from looking back. From returning to Everett. Pepper needed me more, and I was going to save her.

As I continued to stumble toward the exit, the sounds of fighting started to fade. A few human maids scurried past, but the halls were otherwise empty. Still, I kept my guard up, not knowing where the Faircrofts had scuttled off to. Maybe they were already claiming their spot on Sanctum Isle, prematurely celebrating their victory by picking which house they wanted to settle down in. I knew Mistress had always coveted the Venturi mansions on the island. Or maybe she planned to make thecastleher new home.

Either way, I kept a sharp eye out as I reached the grand foyer that would lead me outside. The double doors were wide open, and when I neared, I caught sight of the guards splayed across the floor. Dead. Fresh pangs of guilt racked my body, further adding to my misery. If only I’d broken the pactum earlier, I could have prevented their deaths. I could have stopped thisallfrom happening.

But I’d been selfish. I hadn’t wanted to sacrifice my happily ever after. I’d wanted tolive.

Doubling over, I threw up what little remained in my stomach. Weakness stole over me, and I grabbed on to the doorframe to keep from collapsing.

Give up, my failing body urged me.Lie down and succumb to your fate.

No!I shouted back.I’m done lying down. I will fight. I will fight for however long I have left!

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself upright and stumbled out into the night. It had begun to rain, and my hair and dress were soaked through within seconds. The added weight threatened to pull medown, but I trudged onward, barely able to see through the deluge. I was almost to the stone stairs that led to the packed roundabout when I staggered to a halt. No way would I reach Pepper in time if I used a car.

There was only one way I could reach her, and now that my powers were fully restored, I had the ability to do it.

The thought of reuniting with Pepper in a matter of seconds filled me with fresh resolve, and I willed magic to my fingertips. When it quickly sputtered out, I dredged up the last of my strength and threw my arms wide with a determined cry.

A circular portal sprung into existence before me, the edges glowing bright blue. Sighing in relief, I swayed toward it. I would make it in time. I couldn’t say goodbye to Everett, but at least I could to Pepper.

But when I stepped forward, something small darted in front of me. I recognized Kenna’s fox familiar as she lunged for my legs and latched onto my dress, frantically yanking on the delicate material. It started to rip, but she only pulled harder. Not toward the portal, butaway.

“Silver,no. I can’t go back,” I firmly told her. “I have to save my familiar.”

The portal began to flicker. Desperate to enter it before the last of my magic faded, I surged forward. As I did, something barrelled into me from behind. Somethinghuge.

The force of the hit sent me flying into the air. I shot past my dying portal and down the steep stairs. When I struck the unforgiving stone, a sickeningcrackfilled my ears. I struck again and again, uncontrollably tumbling down the stairs. Several more cracks rent the air, my frail body breaking under the fall’s impact.

When I reached the bottom, I rolled to a stop, unable to breathe.Pain consumed every inch of my body. Pain that stole the last of my strength. I tried to move, but agony locked me in place.

My time was up. I was done. I had nothing left to give.

Silent tears coursed down my already wet face. Tears of defeat.

I was suddenly flipped onto my back. My injuries screamed at me, so loudly that darkness edged my vision. I squinted through the rain, struggling to focus on the face peering down at me.

“Leaving so soon,Star?” a familiar voice said, one that filled me with dread.

I openly glared up at Heath, letting him see how much I despised him.