I looked down to jab my feet into my shoes.You know it’s too dangerous. I can’t risk your life.
I’m immortal, Adalyn. Celestial spirit, remember?
But yourbodyisn’t, I inwardly snapped, pausing to glare at her.You can still be injured or killed in this form. If you rejoined the celestial plane, I would truly be all alone, and I wouldn’t survive that. I wouldn’t want to.
Oh, Ada.
I have to go, I quickly said and moved for the stairs before my emotions got the best of me.I’ll bring you back some food from the club. You have my word.
You don’t need to worry about me, Adalyn.
Pausing one last time, I looked over my shoulder at her.Of course I do. You’re the only thing I care about in this messed-up world. It’s just you and me against those greedy bloodsuckers. Don’t forget that.
Pepper huffed a semi-amused squeak.Oh, I won’t. Be careful out there.
My lips curved into a saucy smile.Always am.
Feeling a little less tired but still hungry as a bear, I hurried upstairs to start my afternoon chores. With the approaching sunset, the Faircrofts would be heading out soon. If I didn’t have my chores done before then, Mistress would become suspicious and demand anexplanation. Saying that her daughters made me dance naked until I passed out wouldn’t end in my favor. She’d only see my weakness, not her daughters’ poor behavior.
Spurred on by the unfairness of it all and my desperate need for food, I tackled my chores in record time. I was just finishing up a load of laundry when Mistress called out, “We’re leaving, Adalyn. Make sure you’re at the club promptly at nine.”
“Yes, Mistress,” I called back.
Hearing the front door slam shut, I turned to leave the laundry room with a basket of clean linens. A tall form in the doorway brought me up short, startling me so badly that I dropped the basket. The clean linens tumbled out and hit the floor. I quickly wiped the dismay from my face as Mistress looked down her nose at me and spoke in low tones. “And I expect you to secure us at least one new client tonight. There will be consequences if you don’t.”
“Yes, Mistress,” I replied and lowered my chin in submission.
She turned to leave, tossing her golden curls over her shoulder as she said in parting, “Oh, and rewash those linens before you leave. Don’t be late, Adalyn.”
Biting my tongue, I waited for the front door to shut before gathering the linens from the floor and shoving them into the washing machine once more. Could this day get any worse? I was used to dealing with her impossible demands, but securing clients had never been a stipulation of my job.
As the only witch working at Dreamscape Lounge, my job was to be mysterious and alluring, to dance until my audience was wholly captivated. Most of our clientele were filthy rich and could go anywhere for their nightly entertainment, but many of them kept coming back to Dreamscape.
Idid that. I kept them coming back. They wanted to see the witchwho dared to dance for vampires.
That’s how it had all started anyway. Dancing for hungry, horny predators night after night. Giving up my self respect and pride, piece by piece.
But that was child’s play now. My other job—mysecretone—demanded so much more from me. I’d accepted the job out of desperation, and the only thing I’d had to give up was the last of my innocence.
A small price to pay for my freedom. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.
But Mistress was never satisfied, always finding new reasons to extend my blood debt. Not only did I have toentertainthe male vampires who’d become my clients, but now I was supposed tosecurethem?
“Why don’t I lasso the moon for you while I’m at it?” I grumbled, allowing myself a moment of self pity. But only for a moment. I didn’t have time to wallow, not if I wanted to survive this world.
An hour later, I hurriedly put away the clean linens still warm from the dryer and dashed out the kitchen door. I was cutting it close, but I would make it to Dreamscape on time. The club was thirty minutes away, situated on the outskirts of Bangor. It used to be a hotel, but three years ago, the building had been purchased by Mistress Faircroft and her new business partner, Heath Clancy.
Their main goal had been to set apart their club from the rest, allowing only certain humans and vampires entrance. Anonymity was key, hence the required masks. IDs weren’t needed, only money.Lotsof it. Enough that only the extremely wealthy could afford the place. In no time, the exclusive club had gained a reputation of being an “exotic” feeding den for the vampire elite.
Not only were the humans carefully culled to suit their richtastes, but they could feast their eyes upon me. These days, nothing saidexoticlike a witch working in a vampire-owned nightclub.
Pulling around back, I parked and quickly sent Mistress an obligatory text that I’d arrived. I had my own keycard and let myself in through one of the back doors, taking the stairs as usual so I wouldn’t run into any of our clientele. The club opened at nine, but I didn’t make an appearance until ten. Which gave me enough time to get ready, being sure to closely follow my mistress’s meticulous regimen.
She expectedperfection. I was to look enticingly forbidden, the low-hanging fruit that begged to be plucked and consumed. But the clientele weren’t allowed totouch. At least while I was dancing.
My stomach was painfully cramping by the time I reached my room on the third floor. Only a couple hours more of this torture, and I could finallyeat. At least I wasn’t scheduled for aerial dancing tonight. That took the most energy out of me, even though it was my favorite form of dance.
It always felt good to be so high above the creatures bent on destroying me.