The question came from Isla’s brother, Noah Andrews. He and his father, Bill, had arrived at the castle early this morning, shortly after I’d called in a meeting. A top secret one that had required them to come by portal. Although I didn’t have concrete evidence of a coup attempt, I wasn’t going to take any unnecessary risks when it came to my family’s safety. Having a few of our SCA allies on standby in case things went south made sense.
From my spot at the end of the table directly across from my father, I acknowledged the field agent’s question by saying, “I think we should be prepared for anything. If the Venturi are planning something behind our backs, they probably won’t respond well when I confront them about it.”
“But why theVenturi?It doesn’t make sense,” Bill said, crossing his beefy arms.
The Rosewood sheriff and his twenty-seven-year-old son were almost identical in looks. The main difference was their hair. Noah still preferred his blond hair long, usually keeping it in a messy bun. Not a look I would ever adopt for myself, but the Cosmic warlock was the exact opposite of me in appearance and personality. Easygoing and often sarcastic, he had a penchant for breaking hearts wherever he went. He was always on the move, too focused on taking any job the SCA threw his way to settle down.
I tolerated him more than anything. His stern father, on the other hand, wasn’t half bad. His mere presence commanded respect, and he’d earned mine many years ago by helping us during the battle against the rogues and elders. Since then, he, Noah, and many other SCA operatives had helped us defeat various enemies.
It was the SCA’s job to keep a close eye on the supernatural world, and as one of their leaders, Bill often knew things before we did. But apparently even he was baffled by this latest turn of events with the Venturi.
“I think we’ve allowed them too much free rein,” I slowly answered him. “Before the alliance, rules barely applied to them. Now that we’re enforcing our new laws, they must want to challenge the system. For vampires, that usually means killing whatever is standing in their way.”
I met my father’s gaze, and he acknowledged my words with a small nod.
“And you think these Venturi are collaborating with rogues and their sympathizers?” Isla asked, sitting on the edge of her seat. As a private investigator for the SCA, she’d gobbled up the news of a possible coup and had demanded we include her in the secret meeting held in my father’s soundproofed study. Knowing what she’d endured at the hand of rogues, no one would even think of denying her.
“That’s a definite possibility,” I replied. There were too many tie-ins to think otherwise.
“What if the rogues are trying to emerge again? What if they attack?” she said, sharing a worried look with her husband. Kade reached between them and gave her hand a comforting squeeze.
“That’s why we need to be prepared. Anything could happen when I start interrogating the Venturi.”
“Should we ask our werewolf friends for help?” Kenna suggested. “I could make some calls.”
“Not yet. My suspicions could be for nothing. I only called in Bill and Noah as a precaution, and they can easily cast an invisibility spell to hide their presence unless we need them. If the Venturiareplanning a coup, we don’t want to tip them off that we’re aware of it.”
“Regardless, we should have the twins stay at your parents’ place tonight,” Loch murmured to his mate. When her eyes widened, he reached over and wordlessly pulled her into his lap.
I knew exactly how he was feeling for once. His soulmate had been caught in the middle of a vampire war six years ago, but now it wasmysoulmate in trouble. Who knew how deeply she was entwined in this possible coup. Not knowing was eating me alive.
Needing to reassure myself for the umpteenth time that she was safe, I reached out to Adalyn through our bond. I’d been worried at first that the physical distance between us would make it hard to communicate, but it was like speaking to her through a phone—well, without the need to move my lips. The only thing we couldn’t do was feel each other’s emotions. Loch told me that the bond would continue to strengthen with time, allowing our senses to span greater distances. We’d even be able tofindeach other, like a built-in GPS system.
You okay?I asked her, sending the question down the invisible thread that bound us together.
Yep, came her immediate reply.Right as rain. Looking forward to tonight.
Some of my tension eased, her positive outlook lifting my spirits. I didn’t know how she always managed to remain upbeat, but I greatly admired her for it.
“Is she okay?” Loch asked, correctly guessing the reason for my silence.
“Yes,” I replied, all too aware of the sudden shift in the air. The piqued interest. Every eye went to me, expectation written on each of their faces. I shook my head with a quiet snort. “She’sfine. She knows how to take care of herself.”
“Yeah, but she quit her job,” Kade spoke up, looking uncharacteristically solemn. “I don’t think she’s as fine as she says she is.”
My tension returned tenfold.
“That doesn’t mean you should rush over there and cause her even more problems, Ev,” Loch quickly said as I fisted my hand on the mahogany table. “Remember the pactum.”
“The effects of a broken pactum are lifelong, son,” my father joined in. “I know you’re worried for your mate’s safety, but your brother is right. Visiting her at this point could cause more harm than good. Wait until tonight. We’ll deal with the situation then. Together.”
Nodding, I forced my fist to unclench.
“Did you send the dress?” Kenna asked, clearly sensing the need for a subject change. Loch turned his face to nuzzle her neck, and she instinctually leaned into his affection.
Sudden pain tightened my chest. What I wouldn’t give to have Adalyn in my lap right now. To openly shower her with my affection. To show the world that she was mine.
Glancing at the gold and ruby ring on my pinky finger, I replied, “Yes. It should arrive at Faircroft Manor within the hour.”