Page 3 of Forever Touched

You okay?

As the concerned words flitted through my mind, I cracked an eye open to glance at my nightstand. A brown mouse with a white streak on her chest stared back, her round black eyes blinking up at me knowingly.

Yeah, I quickly reassured my familiar through our telepathic connection and reached out to stroke her tiny head with one finger.Just had a busier night than usual.

She nuzzled my finger, flooding our bond with sympathy.You need more rest. And food. Don’t forget that you’re mortal, Ada.

I snorted, which further irritated my parched throat.How could I forget when my body painfully reminds me of that fact every day? Don’t worry, Pepper. I brought in really good money last night and kepta little extra for myself. I’ll splurge and buy a huge breakfast.

When she eyed me skeptically, I rose from the bed on unsteady legs and started to dress.

Promise?the little mouse pressed as I exchanged my pajama bottoms for a ripped pair of jeans.

Shimmying into them, I looked over my shoulder at her. For such a small creature, she was really good at calling me out on my bull.I’ll do my best, Pep. You know how busy I am. I forget to eat sometimes.

She twitched her long whiskers at me in annoyance.You don’t forget. You just give all your money toher.

I pursed my lips and turned away, not bothering to reply. We’d had this conversation more times than I could count, and it always ended the same way. I was feeling lousy enough already without adding guilt to the mix, so I ignored my familiar’s judgmental stare and threw on a torn oversized sweater.


Wincing at the shrill scream, I hurriedly slipped on my sneakers and called back, “Coming!”

At least drink some water. You sound like you have laryngitis.

Stifling an eye roll, I walked the three steps to my little bathroom and switched on the sink faucet to guzzle some water and splash my face. Neither made me feel better, but I threw Pepper a saucy look anyway and crooned, “Happy?”

She huffed a perturbed squeak.No. Be careful.

My smirk widened.Always am. But be careful yourself. That stray tabby has been sniffing around here again. He tried to sneak inside last night.

Pepper somehow managed to look indignant, lifting her pert pink nose into the air.I’m no ordinary mouse, Ada. I can’t be bested by a stupid tomcat.

Despite my exhaustion, a laugh burst from me.

“Adalyn Elise Starr, this is your last warning. You have five seconds to get your butt up here!”

Instead of giving in to a shiver of dread, I blew Pepper a kiss and whispered, “I’ll bring back some cheese from that deli you like so much.”

Sharp cheddar, please!she called as I whirled and beelined for the basement stairs.

Taking them at a run, I made it to the top in three seconds flat and yanked the door open just in the nick of time. A figure in a black satin robe greeted me on the other side, a matching satin scarf wrapped around her golden hair. The tall regal woman didn’t look a day over forty, but she was much, much older. Old enough that using aphoneto shout at me wouldn’t even cross her mind.

At the sight of me, she frowned, which caused her ivory skin to heavily crease.

“I’m—” I started, but she raised a jeweled hand for silence.

“You know how I feel about punctuality, Adalyn. A slothful spirit is not only unattractive but highly disrespectful. I rely on you to complete errands during the day, and the sun already rose half an hour ago.”

“I know, and I’m sorry, but—”

“Noexcuses,” she said, her tone sharpening. “Own your mistakes and accept the consequences like I’ve taught you.”

I bit my tongue to keep a retort at bay and lowered my chin a notch in submission. “Yes, Mistress. I’ll—”

“Not be paid today.”

I felt the blood drain from my face, even as I nodded my understanding.