Struggling to accept the news, I stammered, “Y-you turned me.”
Guilt trickled through our bond. Still, he looked me in the eye and said, “Yes. We both did.”
A squeak drew my attention to the nightstand. Fresh tears pricked my eyes as I spotted my mouse familiar.
“Pepper!” She hopped into my waiting hands, and I didn’t waste any time snuggling her against my cheek. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried. I tried to come back, but— Oh. You smell different. A good different, but also kind of bad.”
When I pulled back with a confused frown, she huffed a laugh inside my head.Glad to see you’re pulling through the transition just fine, Ada. I knew you would. But don’t get any ideas about snacking on me. You might have sharp teeth now, but so do I.
“Sharp teeth?” I lifted a hand to my mouth and felt my canines. They were perfectly normal.
“That’ll come later,” Everett said. “When the desire to feed hits.”
I swallowed.Hard.
“So I’m going to start craving blood soon?”
“Yes, but Kenna said that hybrid cravings aren’t too bad. She mostly feeds on Loch when the need for blood hits.”
My mind began to race again. Not daring to hope, I whispered, “What are you saying?”
His expression softened. “You’re still a witch, Adalyn. You’re still you. You’re just immortal now and a little less breakable.”
My bottom lip quivered. “I’m a hybrid?”
When he nodded, a sob burst from me. Still holding Pepper, I launched myself at him and tightly squeezed his neck.
“Easy,” he grunted, almost toppling off the bed from the impact.
I laughed through my tears and loosened my grip a little. “What? Am I toostrongfor you now?”
“No,” he said, burying his face in my neck with a contented sigh. “You’re perfect.”
I sank into the embrace with a small smile. Still trying to digest my new reality, a big part of me expected to wake up and discover this was all a dream.
“Do you hate me for turning you?” he asked after a moment, his guilt returning.
“Of course not,” I murmured.
If not for him, I would be dead right now. Ideservedto be dead.
Unable to keep silent, I made myself say, “Do you hateme?”
“For what?” He slid his hand up the bare column of my spine, making my skin burst awake again.
“For betraying you at the ball. For secretly plotting against your family for the past three years.”
Pepper jumped onto the bed and scurried away, clearly sensing our need for privacy. I held my breath, waiting for our peaceful moment to shatter. Waiting for Everett to realize what a monster I was.
With another sigh, he murmured against my skin, “No, Adalyn. I don’t hate you. You didn’t have a choice.”
“But Idid. I chose to work at the club. Ichoseto become a bloodwhore. I so desperately wanted to pay off my father’s blood debt and avenge him that I allowed the rogues to use me and my abilities. I turned your court against you. I almost . . . I almostkilledyou, Everett. After everything I’ve done, I don’t know how you can stand to be near me. I put you and your entire family in jeopardy. Youdeserveto hate me.”
Lifting his head, he rested his forehead against mine before saying, “You know what I hate? I hate that you were mistreated by my kind. I hate that the rogues tried to turn you into something you’re not. I hate that you had to pretend. That they stole precious pieces of you. I hate when you doubt yourself. Hate when you’re not with me. Hate that I didn’t tell you sooner how I really feel. I would move mountains just to see that spellbinding smile of yours. I would rearrange the stars just so our paths would align. I was searching for a purpose before I met you, but youarethat purpose. You’re the dream my heart has been wishing for, a dream I didn’t even know I wanted. It’s not possible for me to hate you, baby girl. You sacrificed yourself for me. You gave up everything to keep my family safe, and for that, you’ve earned my eternal gratitude. My heart is yours, Adalyn, only yours. Today, tomorrow, and for the rest of my immortal life.”
Tears slid down my cheeks as I memorized every single beautiful word he’d uttered. I knew he meant them. They were written in his emotions, emotions he was openly allowing me to feel. Despite the awful things I’d done, he truly loved me. Heforgaveme as I had forgiven him for his past wrongs.