My ass plants back down on the mattress, and I curse under my breath. My reaction only seems to encourage Hunter’s laughter, which only adds more fuel to the fire wanting to burn inside of me.

Sucking in a determined breath, I push to my feet and finally stand up. “Okay, I’m out of here, since you can’t take a hint and leave.” I step toward the door. At least, I think I do. It’s really hard to tell while my bedroom is acting like a Tilt-a-Whirl.

His laughter simmers down a notch as he sidesteps in front of me. “I’m sorry for laughing. Just please sit down before you fall down.”

Raising my chin in defiance, I take another step forward. When he doesn’t move out of my way, my chest whacks into his.

“I’m not going to fall, so please move.” As I teeter to the side, I hurry and span my arms out.

Hunter watches me warily as I struggle to walk. “You sure about that?”

“Yep.” As soon as I say it, I stumble backward into the wall. “Dammit, why do I have to be so clumsy? All I need to do is get to the door, and I can’t even do that right.”

He steps towards me, instantly reducing the space between us. “You’re not clumsy. You’re just doped up a little bit.”

“Becauseyouput a sleep spell on me.” Saying the words aloud hurts so badly I can hardly breathe. My voice softens with the ache of it. “Why would you do that? I thought we were friends?”

“We are. Things are just … complicated.” He reaches out to cup my cheek, but I turn my head away. He sighs. “Look, I know you don’t trust me, but I promise I can explain everything and maybe… Gods, maybe that’ll help a little bit.” The pain emitting from his tone almost makes me want to hug him.

Let me stress thealmost.

Instead, I put my hands on my hips and give him a firm look. “Then start explaining.”

With a remorseful look, he reaches for his wand in his back pocket.

“Oh, no, you don’t. I’m not going to be put to sleep again.” I skitter around him and for the door, but my legs give out, and I crumble to the floor. “Crap.” I hurry to stand up when his arms loop around my waist.

He picks me up, slips his arms under my knees, and carries me over to the bed like a freaking groom carrying his bride over the threshold. Which would be a dream come true if I didn’t just find out he was a big, old liar, liar, magic wand on fire.

“Put me down,” I gripe, pushing against his chest.

He obeys, setting me onto the bed.

I quickly start to sit up. But he climbs over me, straddles my waist, and places a hand on either side of my head.

“You know, this whole straddling thing is starting to get old,” I quip, bucking my body upward to try to fling him off while pushing on his chest.

Grinding his teeth, he doesn’t move “And I thought I told you that writhing your hips to get a guy off you is never going to work.” He lowers his face toward mine, his eyelids briefly closing. “In fact, it’s going to make them want to stay on you for a very long time.”

I slowly catch on to his underlying meaning and snort a laugh. “Dude, no guy is going to get turned on by me grinding up on them.”

A tired exhale puffs from his lips. “You really are so clueless sometimes when it comes to guys.”

“Perhaps,” I agree. “At least I’m not clueless enough to let you shoot me twice in twenty-four hours’ time with a sleep spell.”

“I wasn’t going to shoot you with a sleep spell,” he insists. “I was going to put a trust charm on you.”

“Why?” I bite out. “I’m not the liar.”

“I know that.” He looks me dead in the eyes. “I was going to have you put the spell on me so you’d know you can trust me.”

I shake my head. “If you want me to trust you, then stop reaching for your wand.”

“Fine,” he answers without missing a beat. “But we still need to find a way to get you to trust me so I can get through this without you freaking out.”

“Through what?”

His relentless gaze never wavers from mine. “Telling you what’s going on.”