I slowly shake my head. “I already told you that the society members would probably kill her.” Which was only a guess up until Peyton told me the society has a hidden agenda to rid the town of evil. “And I can’t just let you go. Max told me to come.”
His lip twitches at the mention of Max, but he quickly wipes the irritation away as he sighs. “Fine. Then I guess it’s time to drink some vampire blood. Just make sure to be careful. No dying, okay?”
“I’ll try my hardest,” I tease. Again, an unsettling feeling stirs inside. One that only amplifies as I hear the town clock chime off.Tick tock. Tock, tock. Tick … Tick … Tick …
Then the noise fades, as if time has stopped.
But, I have more important things to worry about. Starting with drinking Peyton’s blood.
“This place is so cool,” I mumble, in awe of our surroundings.
The massive domed tents, the fire shows taking place, the dancing, the twinkly lights, the array of eccentric costumes everyone is dressed up in. Add all that to the night sky above me and the scene is absolutely perfect. If only I weren’t here to meet up with a crazy demon who’s stolen my zombie witch fake sister.
Le sigh. My life is getting really complicated.
“It is, isn’t it?” Peyton leads us through the crowd, and again, I’m in awe as people move out of the way to create a path for her.
“Why is everyone just moving out of your way?” I ask, inching closer to Hunter as a guy blows flames in my direction.
It’s all for show, of course. At least, I hope so.
“Because I’m a vampire.” She spans her arms out to the side and people rush to create more room for her. “And vampires are respected here.”
“Man, they really must be freaks then,” Hunter taunts, though even he seems dazed by all the dazzling lights and flashy costumes.
I lightly pinch him on the arm. “Hey, be nice.”
He rubs his arm, which is already welting.
“Sorry, I forgot about the whole vampire strength thingy.”
Honestly, I haven’t forgotten about it at all.
In fact, it’s all I’ve thought about from the moment I drank blood from Peyton’s arm, which is as disgusting as it sounds. But the power pumping through my veins right now, the coordination, the strength, the sight, it’s wonderful.
I’ve never been coordinated before. This is kind of awesome.
Just to test out my new powers, I spin around on one foot, and then leap through the air.
Hunter shoots me a quick warning look before redirecting his concentration on the crowd. “Don’t distract me while I’m keeping a lookout for demons.”
“How is this distracting you?” I repeat the spin then end it with a bow.
His gaze flicks to me again. “You’re crazy if you think doing that isn’t distracting every guy who can see you. Your dress barely covers your ass when you spin.” His gaze dips downward to my legs. “Not that it’s a bad view. I just don’t think the entire freak show should get to see it.”
I cast a glance at the mob of people crowding around us. “Newsflash, Hunter. If they’re staring at us, it’s probably because of Peyton. Either that, or I’m drawing in attention with my succubus powers.”
Hunter rolls his eyes. “You do realize succubus don’t use their powers all the time, right? They have to turn them on.”
“Yeah, but I don’t know how to control mine,” I point out. “So maybe I’m using them unintentionally.”
“You’re not,” Peyton chimes in, snatching a goblet of blood from a blood booth as we pass by. “The only power you can use right now is vampire power.” She moves the goblet underneath my nose. “Doesn’t that smell good?”
I waver. “It kind of does … Maybe I could have just a tiny sip.” I start to reach for the goblet.