“Wants to get in your pants,” I finish for him through a giggle.

His face scrunches up. “That’s so gross.”

“Why? I’m sure Starry’s probably pretty popular amongst the other brownies. And you’re popular with the wizards andwitches. Together, you can be a total power couple.” I choke on a laugh when he glares at me.

“I’m glad you find my discomfort amusing,” he says flatly, but the sparkle in his eyes lets me know he isn’t really mad.

“I’m sorry,” I say through a laugh. “I’m not really laughing at you so much as with you.”

“That saying only works when the other person is actually laughing.”

“Oh, well, then …” I tickle his side.

He chokes on a laugh, his arms giving out on him. His body presses down on me, and I can feel every rock-hard inch of him. It’s the perfect moment until my phone goes mad crazy inside the pocket of my pajama bottoms.

“Magic, answer phone,” I say loudly over Hunter’s laughing. When the phone doesn’t answer itself, I clear my throat and try again. “Magic, answer phone.”


I frown. Such a simple spell, and I can never get it to work.

“Guess I’m going to have to do it old-school,” I announce with a sigh.

Hunter pushes up on his elbows, allowing me enough room to dig my phone out of my pocket. “Don’t get discouraged. Some spells take time.”

“I’m not getting discouraged,” I lie, swiping my finger across the screen.I just wish I didn’t suck so much when it comes to magic.

Balancing his weight onto one arm, he hooks a finger under my chin and forces me to look at him. “I know when you’re getting discouraged, so don’t try to lie to me.”

“Sorry,” I grumble. “You’re right; I am getting discouraged. But I don’t want to be. I just get so sick of being the ditzy, powerless witch all the time.”

“You’re not powerless or ditzy,” he says sternly. “And I don’t want you ever saying that again.”

I want to point out that almost the entire town disagrees with him, but I decide to stop wallowing in self-pity for the day. “Fine, I’ll stop saying it.”

“Good.” He presses his lips lightly to my forehead, and my heart literally dies momentarily. “Now, I’m going to show you something that will help.” Pushing back, he stands up and offers me his hand. I reach up, thread my fingers through his, and he lifts me to my feet.

“Aw, so youcanbe a gentleman,” I joke to lighten the sullen damper I put on the atmosphere. “Guess you sure showed me.”

A small smile graces his lips. “That’s not what I want to show you.” He gestures for me to put my other hand in his.

Unsure what he’s up to, but completely and utterly curious, I move to place my palm against his. Then I pause as my phone vibrates.

“Just a second.” I start to glance down to read the message, but he steals the phone.

“I need you to not read that yet.” He returns my phone then signals for me to place my hand in his.

“Is my weirdness rubbing off on you?” I ask, fighting the urge to read the message as my phone buzzes yet again. “Because you’re acting strangely weird right now.”

“If it was, it’d be a good thing.” He wiggles his fingers, indicating for me to take his hand.

Sighing, I slip the phone into my pocket and line my palm with his. “Okay, so what’re we doing exactly? Trying to channel spirit energy or something? Because, while I’m all for séances, I should probably get my ass ready for the class I’m already late for.”

“Just chill, okay,” he says. “I’ll drive you.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I know, but I want to.”