I shrug, still hugging my hand to my chest. “Only because they said they were going to burn off my clothes and hair.”

Max gives the silver dragon fire snake a firm look. “I thought I made myself perfectly clear that you two weren’t supposed to touch her. Your only job was to watch her until she woke up, and then come inform me.”

The silver dragon fire snake pulls a guilty face. “Sorry, master, but we couldn’t resist.” His eyes skate to mine. “She just looked so tempting.”

Max observes me with a drop of amusement, but hurriedly squashes the look as he redirects his attention to his pet. “Tempting or not, you deliberately disobeyed me, and for the second time since I brought her here.” His gaze fleetingly drops to the burn holes in my shorts. “She’s not a toy.” His lips quirk as his eyes rise to me, then return to the silver dragon fire snake. “At least, not yours.”

“Hey, I’m no one’s pet,” I protest, standing up straighter.

Max rolls his eyes then points a finger at the doorway. “You two, go to the fire pit and wait for me to come and hand out your full punishment.”

“Ah, man,” one of them grumbles. Then they flutter off with their heads tucked down and shoulders slumped.

I smooth my uninjured hand over my hair, making sure all the locks are still there.

Max watches me fuss with a glimmer in his eyes. “Relax, you look perfectly, weirdly beautiful.”

I crinkle my nose at him. “I’m just trying to make sure your little pets didn’t pull out or burn any of my hair off.”

“Hmmm …” He eyes me over then steps in front of me. “Let me make sure.” His fingers seek my hair.

I lean to the side. “Don’t touch me.”

He gives me a semi-annoyed look. “I just want to make sure they didn’t do anything to the back of that pretty little head of yours. My pets, while I tolerate them, can be extremely mischievous.”

“Then why did you leave them to keep an eye on me while I was passed out?”

“Because I had to run some errands, and it was either leave you with them or my demon friends. Trust me when I say you were way better off with my pets.”

I frown as the memories of before I fell asleep rush back to me. “You put a sleeping curse on me.”

He smirks. “Well, you shouldn’t have tried to run away.”

“Of course I should’ve.” My lip twitches with irritation as he reaches for my head again. “I woke up in a demon lair, for crying out loud. And after you kidnapped me.”

“I didn’t kidnap you.” He combs his fingers through my hair. “I merely borrowed you for an extended amount of time.”

I cross my arms, debating whether or not to duck away from his touch. On the one hand, he’s bugging the demons out of me, but on the other … Well, it kind of feels good. Like a gentle head massage. And right now, my head hurts.

“You can only borrow someone with their permission,” I point out, shivering as his hands tangle through my locks. A bad shiver, though. You know, the kind of shiver you get when you’re really grossed out by something.”

“That’s not true at all,” he disagrees. “You can borrow someone without their permission, just as long as you give them back.”

“You act like you’ve done that a hundred times or something.” My eyelids involuntarily shut as he slips his fingersthrough my hair , his fingertips lightly brushing my scalp. It relaxes me so much and I find myself sitting down on the bed.

Good golly of all euphoria spells, that feels amazing.

He mimics the movement again, going slower, but the sensation is equally as lovely.

You need to stop him, Eva. He’s a demon! A demon who kidnapped you!

But you have been through a lot. Maybe just a little bit longer …

Lips abruptly brush mine, and I freeze, but I don’t pull back as a mixture of confusion, want, and repulsion flurry through me. Then the confusion nearly doubles as his tongue slips out and tries to part my lips. I almost let him, too. I don’t even know why other than I’m the most confused creature in the worlds. But then a voice screams in the back of my mind, yelling at me that this isn’t right.

“Hey.” I press my hand against his sturdy chest and push him back. “Back off, demon guy.”

He blinks at me, appearing a little dazed. Then the haziness in his eyes swiftly fades as the cockiness returns.