A second later, though, I feel myself jerked away from empty land and back to reality.
My eyelids slowly lift open, and I’m immediately blinded by light. I squint in pain. Dammit, I’m with a demon for … Well, however long I’ve been gone, and I’ve already woken up this way twice.
“Let’s breathe fire on her?” a low voice with a lisp purrs.
I go super rigid, blinking my eyes fiercely and trying to get them to adjust to the light.What the hell was that?
“It looks like one of us already did,” another voice hisses. “Look at her clothes.”
I think about the burn holes in my clothing.What are these things?
“Ooooh … that sounds lovely.” Spit hits my cheek as they speak.
Ew! Yuck! Gross!
“Burn all her clothes off and some of her hair,” the other instructs, sounding pleased. “But don’t get her face. I kind of like it.”
“Should we wake her up before we do it?”
“Wakey, wakey, wakey, little rainbow trout,” one says before giggling. “You think master will get upset with us?”
“Maybe,” the other hisses out. “He was upset the first time we burned her clothes.”
“Hmmmm … Good thing we like getting into trouble.”
They both giggle mischievously.
My vision smears back into focus, and I realize I’m back in the room I first woke up in. But I’m not alone.
My gaze snaps to the right, and I instantly cringe.
“Ew, dragon fire snake babies,” I say, pulling a disgusted face at the winged dragons with large nostrils and snake-like bodies hovering beside the bed.
They both turn their beady eyes on me, and the longer, silver-ish black one hisses, its snake-like tongue slipping out of its mouth.
“What do you mean,ew?” it says, sounding offended. “You’re the one who’s half-witch.”
I rub my throbbing forehead. “Yeah, so what? There’s nothing wrong with witches.”
“Other than they’re boring, dull, and stupid.” The shorter, reddish-blue dragon fire snake puffs a cloud of smoke in my face. “See? Stupid.”
“I don’t know how that proves that witches are stupid,” I reply, fanning my hand in front of my face. “And FYI, you’re the ones who are stupid. I mean, your main purpose in life is to be a pet to demons. That’s so not very smart.” I know I’m pushing my luck since they could easily breathe fire on me, but they just called all witches stupid. I feel a bit offended.
Then again, maybe I shouldn’t be. Witches were the ones who betrayed me.
I think about meeting Ryleigh in my dream and wonder if anyone will be able to find me in real life. If they do, should I go with them? It seems like the answer should be a definite yes, considering where I am. Yet, residing deep inside me is a hintof hesitation, either from the betrayal or from the demon blood coursing through my veins.
“I don’t like her very much,” one of the demon fire snake babies scoffs.
Fluttering their wings, they hover in the air while trading a look with each other.
“What do you think?” the reddish one asks. “Should we teach her a lesson?”
The other bobs its head up and down eagerly. “Let’s do it!”