“I don’t know what you think I am,” I seethe at the demon as I twist my arm, trying to escape Hunter’s death grip, “but I’m sure as hell not it.”
“We’ll soon find out,” he says, making grabby hands. “Now, give her to me.”
Hunter stops a few inches away from the demon, and then shoves me toward him, still not releasing my arm. Before thedemon can grab me, though, I jump backward and practically body check Hunter.
He grunts, and his hold on me loosens. I start to run, but he snags the back of my shirt and hauls me back. Then his arm snakes around my waist while the other circles my chest, trapping my arms to my sides. I then bring my foot up to try to kick his shin again, but he lifts my feet off the ground.
“I guess we’re going to have to do this the hard way, then,” Hunter breathes into my ear as he carries me toward the demon.
With my back trapped against his chest and my legs dangling below me, I can barely move, let alone escape.
“I hate you,” I growl in a pathetic attempt to wound him.
The really sad part is, even knowing he’s about to give me to a demon for whatever reason, I still don’t hate him. My reaction makes me hate myself.
Hunter chuckles at my lameness. “No, you don’t. Not even a little bit.”
Anger floods through me that he knows the truth. “Yes, I do. I hate you so much, Hunter. And I’ll never forgive you for this.”
“Liar,” he whispers in my ear, sounding as though he thinks this conversation is the funniest thing in the magical world.
“Grr …” I fist my hands, wishing I could punch him. “You’re the worst friend ever.”
“That might be true,” he utters under his breath as he stops in front of the demon. “Careful. She’s a little feisty.”
The demon’s eyes illuminate with glee. “Just how I prefer them.” He extends his hands toward me.
I hold my breath, hoping Hunter will step back. However, his feet remain welded to the ground as the demon’s fingers circle my arms.
“Lovely,” the demon purrs as he looks into my eyes. “And so powerful.”
I want to laugh in the demon’s face.
“Powerful? Yeah, you definitely got the wrong girl,” I tell him.
The demon shakes his head, awe all over his face as he digs his fingernails into my flesh. “You have no idea what you are, do you?”
I open mouth to say … Well, who knows what? I never get to find out because an ear-bursting scream pierces the night, and then the three of us collapse to the ground.
Ilie flat on my stomach, my cheek pressed against the cool concrete, waiting for something insanely crazy to happen next, like the ground splitting open, or a hairy monster beast gobbling me up. But the air completely stills.
Opening my eyes, I look around at the empty street in front of me, and then to my right where the demon lies. His head is angled toward me, his arms and legs limply sprawled across the ground.
“Well, this sucks.” The demon’s lips move like a puppet, his eyes open and lifeless.
“Are you dead?” I whisper, not daring to move.
The demon gives me a dirty look. “Thanks to you, I am.”
“He should be dead,” Hunter mutters from the other side of me.
I grit my teeth, turning to face him. “Great, you’re still alive.”
“Aw, Eva, I’d be hurt if I didn’t know you really don’t mean that,” he jokes, his fingers grazing the back of my arm.