“To study,” Evan explains, fidgeting with the chain attached to his jeans. “It’s actually not that uncommon for an expert to have a few species to study. I only have the one, though, since demons are a handful.”
As if to prove his point, the demon charges at the invisible cage walls and the entire room ripples in protest.
“Whoa.” I press my hand to my forehead as the red walls and the black and white tile floor spin around like a whirlwind. “Head rush.”
Evan stares the demon down. “Behave, or no dinner.”
The demon’s lip twitches before he takes a seat on the floor.
“Good boy,” Evan says almost tauntingly before facing the demon with his arms tucked behind his back. “Now, we need a bit of information from you. If you do that, then I’ll throw in dessert tonight.”
The demon’s eyes illuminate brightly, which I assume is a good sign until he shakes his head.
“Pay the fee, or my lips are sealed.” His baritone voice reverberates around the room as he crosses his arms and elevates his chin in defiance.
“I thought you might say that.” Evan turns to me with an apologetic look. “Sorry, but this is where you’re going to have to pay him. I mean, I can try to get him to talk without the cash, but I’ve had him for over a year and have yet to ever get any sort of truth out of him without anteing up first.”
“It’s okay.” I fish the wad of cash out of my pocket then look at the demon. “But I’m not paying you in full until I get answers.”
His eyes light up with dollar signs. Honestly, I find his reaction kind of stupid since he’s locked in a cage and has no real purpose for money. Demons can be greedy like that.
The demon kneels up and sticks out his hand. “Half up front and half after I answer your questions.”
I start to step forward to give him the money, figuring Hunter will release me, but instead he moves with me, refusing to let go. I internally sigh. While he’s always been a bit protective of me, he’s being crazy protective right now.
“Hunter, I’ll be okay,” I whisper over my shoulder. “You can let me go for a few minutes.”
His hold only tightens. “No, I can’t.”
This time, I let my sigh escape. However, I let the subject drop as I approach the cage.
“Do I just hand it to him?” I ask Evan.
He walks a perfect line around the cage and steps up beside me. “Yes, but don’t reach through the cage. Just throw the money in. You’re safe out here, but if you breach the perimeter, he can harm you.”
Nodding, I count out half the money then toss the bills into the cage. Grunting like an excited baboon, the demon scoops up the money and clutches it to his chest.
“Now, the first question I have is if you know anything about the bodies being stolen around town.” Because after everything that’s happened today, I have a hunch demons might be behind the stealing. Why, though, I don’t have a damn clue.
The bills crinkle as the demon hugs them tightly against his chest. “They do.”
I motion for him to explain further. “And, why are they?”
He shrugs. “I have no idea.”
I wave the money in the air. “Tell me the truth, or I keep these bad boys.”
If looks could kill, I’d be dead where I stand.
“They’re trafficking them,” he bites out, drool dripping down his chin as he snarls.
“Who’s trafficking them?” I ask. “And why?”
Using one arm to hug the money, he lifts his free hand to his mouth and places a finger to his lips. “I’m not sure on the why part, but the who I might be able to answer.” A grin twists at his lips as his greedy eyes zero in on the cash in my hand. “For a small fee, of course.”
“Fine.” I chuck a few more bills into the cage. “Now tell me who’s behind the trafficking.”
He scrambles to get the money, dropping some bills in the process. Growling, he does a belly flop and sprawls his body overthe pile of cash. “The hybrids,” he spits out as he reaches for a few dollars in front of his face.