I panicked for absolutely nothing.

I take a couple of slow breaths, trying to calm my racing heart.

“I got a text from Kaine a couple of minutes ago. He’s going to call me soon. He says he has an important update on Lucien and I want you both to be here when I talk to him,” Dad says.


Maybe Kaine has good news. Maybe he found Lucien.

My palms feel sweaty at the thought of meeting my older brother. I’ve heard so much about him that I feel like I already know him. But will he like me? Does he even want to meet me?

But I should wait to see if Kaine found him before I worry about whether Lucien will like me.

Julien sits forward. “What about Mom? Do you think she should be here too?”

Dad hesitates. “I thought about it but don’t want to get her hopes up. What if he’s just calling about another lead? I don’t know for sure that he’s found Lucien and I just can’t stand to see her disappointed again.”

“You’re right.” Julien sits back against his chair frowning.

I reach my hand over and grab his, squeezing it. He glances at me and grins, but his posture stays tight.

This weighs on Julien more than I thought. Not just because without Lucien, he will be the heir once Damek and I marry, but because he misses his brother. Julien copes by telling jokes and being silly, but I know he’s hurting.

Whatever this phone call is about, I hope it’s good news. I needLucien to come home. I want to meet my older brother. I want him to be at my wedding. I want to have a relationship with him.

When Dad’s phone rings, I jump at the abrupt sound. He answers it right away and Julien leans forward.

“Yes,” Dad says.

He doesn’t put it on speaker, but he doesn’t have to. We’re vampires and we can hear the person on the other end.

“We got him,” Kaine says.

My heart thumps faster.

They found Lucien.

Julien lets out a breath of relief and Dad sags in his chair.

“Oh, thank God.” Dad takes a deep breath. “How is he? Is he okay?”

“You know Lucien. He’s already asking about the clan. The healer is doing an examination right now—we had to force him to let us,” Kaine says.

Dad chuckles. “That sounds like Lucien. But how is he? Is he hurt?”

“A few cuts and bruises, but nothing serious,” Kaine answers. “We’ll know more after the healer examines him. We should be home by sunset.”


I get to meet my brother tonight.

I doubt I’ll be able to sleep much today.

Dad closes his eyes, relief clear in them. “What about the Nodin Clan?”

Kaine grunts. “They ran like cowards. Our priority was protecting Lucien, so we let them go.”

“You did right,” Dad assures him. “Thank you, Kaine.”