A few hours later, I make my way up the stairs to my apartment.
“Maybe you should put yourself out there. Try dating somebody.”
I hold my phone to my ear with my shoulder while I attempt to carry my groceries in one hand and unlock my door with the other.
“Mom, I’m a hybrid.Nobodyis interested in dating me.” I finally get my key in the hole and push open the door to my apartment.
“Because you don’t put yourself out there,” Mom scolds. “Nobody says you need to date an incubus.”
I grit my teeth as I put my groceries on the kitchen island. “If you tell me to date a vampire, I will block your number for a week.”
I love my mother, don’t get me wrong. It’s been just her and I for as long as I can remember. But because I’m all she had, she thinks it’s her mission in life to see that I’m happy. And happy for her means I’m married with a kid on the way. Never mind the fact that she never got married herself.
“Maybe you should adopt,” I muse. “I’m sure there are plenty of supernatural children who need a mother.”
“You are more than enough for me,” Mom says.
“I don’t want to date anybody right now,” I tell Mom, trying to be firm. “I have enough pressure already with work.”
“A job that you don’t need.”
I begin to put away my groceries. “Yes, but one that I want. It makes me feel useful. I don’t want to be a layabout like half of my cousins.”
Mom snorts. “Even the ones who work with Father are layabouts.”
She’s not wrong, but I don’t give her the satisfaction of agreeing with her. “You worked with him at my age.”
“You’re right. That is how I met your father,” she says. “If there is any business with vampires, your grandfather will send you. Who better to be an ambassador than you? And maybe you’ll meet a nice boy.”
“I’m hanging up,” I warn.
She sighs. “Fine. Goodbye, Madeline.”
“Goodbye, Mom.”
The call comes to an end and I slip my phone onto the counter. I rub my face with my hands, wondering if my mom is right. Maybe I do need to quit my job—it would certainly makeall of my cousins happy. As for the boyfriend thing… my mom is going to be waiting a long time for that one.
A few hours later, after I cook dinner, do dishes, and grab a quick shower, I curl up on my living room couch with a good book. It’s just after midnight, but I’m wide awake. Thanks to the vampire side of me, I’ve always enjoyed the nighttime. It’s so peaceful and quiet. The rest of the world is asleep and it’s just… me. That’s why, when there is a knock on my door, I jump and accidentally throw my book onto the floor. I push myself up, wondering who would come to visit me at this hour.
I peek through the hole, seeing a man standing on the other side. I don’t recognize him, but I can tell that he’s supernatural. I hesitantly open the door. I’m about to ask the guy what he wants when I get a good look at him.
The guy stands about six inches taller than me. But it’s not his height that has me looking. It’s his eyes—they’re the same shade of blue as mine. And when I look closer, I notice his hair is the same shade of blond as mine. We look… so similar.
Could this guy…
I cut off the question in my head.
Nope. No. We’re not going there.
I clear my throat. “Can I help you?”
“Madeline?” he asks.
I nod. “Yes. And you are?”
“I’m Christian Scott. Your father.”