Page 64 of Cursed

Vince lifted his brows. “I hadn’t thought of that,” he said, a smile playing about his lips. “Does everything work out the way you want it to, in the end?”

Edeena gave a soft, quiet laugh. “No,” she said, looking back at him with her heart in her throat. “Sometimes I just say the right thing at the right time, and the universe responds.”

She lifted up on her toes, her lips a bare inch from his. “Like this one time, I closed my eyes and whispered an old Disney princess lyric about a prince I’d been waiting for all my life . . . then I opened my eyes, and you were there.”

She smiled, Vince’s face sliding softly out of focus as the tears built behind her eyes. “Someday,” she barely managed, singing in a terrible falsetto, “my prince will come . . .”

Vince tipped up her chin, dropping the softest of kisses on her lips, but when he spoke, it wasn’t in falsetto, but in his slow, rich South Carolina drawl.

“And he and that beautiful countess of his?” he asked, holding her close. “Why, they most certainly lived Happily Ever After.”
