Page 41 of Cursed

The captain angled down another hallway, then stepped into a room that was nothing at all like a security center. Instead it looked like a shrine to the royal family, with walls of pictures from floor to ceiling, some clearly of the current royals, but far more chronicling what he suspected was several preceding generations of the Andris family.

The room wasn’t empty of people, either. As they entered, two men turned to watch them approach, so alike in size and demeanor that they had to be brothers. “Aristotle and Kristos Andris,” Korba said, not quite under his breath. “Princes, but don’t let that stand in the way of your opinion of them. They are honorable men.”

It was clear that the acoustics in the room were excellent, as both men grinned at Korba as he approached with Vince.

“Aristotle Andris,” the older of the brothers said, holding out his hand. “I understand you’ve had the unenviable task of keeping Edeena safe from herself these past few weeks.”

“Vince Rallis,” Vince said, shaking the man’s hand. “I’ve made Countess Saleri and her sisters a top priority for my firm.”

“You’d have to,” said the younger man. Kristos reached out his hand and grasped Vince’s warmly. “Kristos Andris. You know why you’re here?”

Vince glanced around the room, then noticed a fourth man who’d apparently stepped inside the far door while he’d been going through the introductions. That man, dressed more formally than the brothers in a sharply cut tuxedo, didn’t approach them, but stood with his hands behind his back, apparently looking at nothing at all.

Vince brought his attention back to Kristos and Ari, then Korba. “My guess is that whatever is about to happen in Edeena’s life is something the Crown would like managed most carefully. The queen has decided, based on what information I don’t know, that I’m a suitable inside man to help carry out that management, while presumably keeping Edeena safe from the machinations of her father.” He paused, taking in their unmoving expressions. “Am I close?”

“Quite.” The voice was from the fourth man, who’d moved silently toward him during Vince’s speech. Part of him wondered if they’d have a throw down here in this well-appointed room. The men weren’t antagonistic, exactly, but there was the air of a foursome who was always up for a good brawl if the situation presented itself.

The fourth man reached him, held out his hand. His hair was lighter than the others, his skin less olive-toned, and while he appeared fit, he gave the impression of elegance instead of bulk. Vince shook the proffered hand.

“Stefan Mihal, diplomatic ambassador,” he said crisply. Vince suspected he was more than that, but let it pass. “The little family drama you’ve found yourself in has been brewing for a long time, and the queen has decided it has carried on for the last generation. As a Saleri relation, albeit a distant one, she’s well versed in the curse and its impact on the Saleri children. She has a particular fondness for Edeena, and would like to see her married to whomever she chooses.”

Vince rocked back on his heels. “If she chooses to marry at all.”

Stefan shrugged. “That is a matter of less flexibility in most Garronois families, but it’s a more complicated matter than we have time for. What matters is this. You’ll be assigned as Edeena’s security liaison during your stay here, with Crown approval—something Silas cannot balk. We’re worried that he might do something stupid.”

“Stupid as in . . .”

“Abduction and intimidation. Edeena’s lot will be challenging enough in the coming several days, we’d like to ensure she’s making her decisions of her own free will.”

Vince looked at them, a growing sense of unease developing in his gut. “You’re seriously going to make her go through with this.”

It was Aristotle who sighed. “Edeena will make herself go through with this, is more the issue. It’s going to happen. Edeena will become the figurehead for her family, with the unenviable task of attempting to draw the sprawling group together for her upcoming engagement ball.”

“Engagement ball,” Vince said flatly. “Except she’s not engaged.”

The men looked at him with a sense of amusement, interest, and maybe something else in their eyes, an emotion Vince couldn’t quite figure out. Either way, as one they answered his exasperated comment with one of their own:

“She will be.”