Dad said Ally attends an all-girls school and that she doesn’t have many friends. I’m sure I’m not supposed to know this, but he also mentioned her being bullied. I can say with certainty the bullying would stem from every one of those girls being intimidated by Ally’s looks.
“I doubt they’re jealous,” she mumbles.
From the moment I entered this apartment, every word that’s left Ally’s mouth has been filled with shyness. I get it now; her guard is up due to bad experiences.
“My dad tells me you play the piano.”
She stops pouring the lemonade to look at me. Her lips twitch with the hint of a smile, and that same heat from the first moment I saw her radiates through me.
“Yes, I play. It’s the only thing Ieverdo.”
“Can you play something for me right now?”
“Um… really?”
“Yeah, our parents can wait for their drinks. Show me. I hear you’re amazing.”
“The piano is in my bedroom.” The blush returns to her cheeks, and it makes me wonder if she’s ever had a guy in her room. Doubtful. She gives off an innocent vibe. I bet she’s never had a guy’s hands on her body or been kissed.
Oddly, the thought of her innocence is a turn on. I don’t fuck around with inexperienced girls. There’s no time since I’m only with them for a night. They expect romance and dates and to take things slow. I’m not that kind of guy.
Where Ally is concerned, I have time. I have all the time in the world. I’m being ruled by my dick, but the thought ofthisgirl being untouched is far too tempting. I don’t know why. Maybe it has something to do with her being the daughter of my father’s girlfriend. I told him I would behave around Ally, but behaving is the last thing I want to do.
“Do you like Mozart?” she asks.
“Couldn’t name a single song by him.”
“You’d know many by him if you heard them.”
Each time she speaks, it’s filled with more confidence now that we’re discussing a passion of hers. My father said Ally isn’t shy at all once you get her talking about music. It’s cute, seeing her like this compared to the timid girl from a couple of minutes ago. She doesn’t have many friends to share this passion with? She can share it with me all she wants.
“My husband’s music is very well renowned,” she continues.
I’m confused for a moment until Ally chuckles, and fuck, the sound of her soft laughter makes my dick twitch. She’s making a joke, I guess. Her sense of humor is a little unusual, but I like it.
“You got any other husbands? Beethoven? Bach?” I try to list off a few other classical composers, but my knowledge of that era isn’t great.
“I havesomany husbands. Come on, I’ll show you.”
I follow Ally to her bedroom, and just like the girl herself, her room is like stepping into another time and world. Everything is covered in ruffles and lace and the prettiest of ribbons. It’s all pastels and light colors. A white piano sits upright against the wall, and along the top are small sculptures of composers.
Her eyes widen the tiniest bit when I sit on her bed. Ally stares at me and licks her lips, her gaze heating me to the core. She’s such a sweet looking girl, but I can see in her eyes that she’s thinking about sex. How the hell does she have this effect over me, to make me insanely turned on over something as simple as sitting on a girl’s bed?
My oldest brother Felix once told me it’s the innocent looking girls you have to watch out for, that they’re the most freaky between the bedsheets.
Ally glances away and opens the piano lid. I’m about to ask if she’d prefer I sit somewhere else, but she dives into her song, playing the piano with such fluency it feels like I’m attending a concert.
My God, she’s beautiful when she plays. Her face is serene, like she’s one with the music. Sometimes, she plays with her eyes closed, she’s that talented. I wish I was inside her head this very moment, experiencing the passion she clearly feels when playing the piano.
“Thatis Mozart,” she says at the end of her short performance. The tune is familiar, one I’ve heard many times in ads and movies.
“I know the song. My dad wasn’t kidding when he said you’re an amazing pianist. Can you teach me to play something?”
I don’t know why I ask the question. I don’t have any interest in playing the piano. But there’s a light in her eyes that only appeared once we started speaking about music. I don’t know much about her, but I like seeing that light. I want this girl to smile at me, talk to me non-stop, and let me into her inner circle. Then I want to take her back to my bed and I don’t want her to leave. I want to test this theory Felix claims about innocent looking girls.
Ally rubs the back of her neck, seeming confused by my question. “You mean teach you something right now or give you lessons?”
Fuck, the latter is an even better suggestion. “Give me lessons.”