Page 14 of My Favorite Girl

“What’s the long version?” Ally asks.

“We’re still trying to figure that one out,” I tell her, and it’s the truth.

I have no clue what shit has gone down between Felix and Tyler. They were somewhat close growing up, being practically the same age. In Felix’s last year of high school, Dad sent him across the country to finish his education with boarding school.

When he returned, Felix and Tyler weren’t on speaking terms. Neither of them will tell us why. Since the rift started between them, Tyler has become distant from everyone in the family. He’s the brother I have the least connection with.

Ally takes the hint, along with me and Killian, to drop the questioning. We play a game of poker, sharing a few laughs and stories with each other. Ally loses, of course. When midnight arrives, the engagement party starts to wrap up and we call it a night. Felix heads home. Killian returns to his bedroom. Ally helps me pack away the poker chips and cards.

“I guess I should take a shower and go to bed,” she says, heading for the adjoining bathroom that connects our two bedrooms.

I always thought sharing a bathroom with a girl would be annoying. That their belongings would take over my space. Well, they do, but it’s not even the least bit annoying. Ally has perfume bottles and skin care products spread across the counter. I like how she’s made herself at home, and how everywhere I look, something reminds me of her.

“I’m not tired,” I say, right before she enters the bathroom. I’ve been thinking about getting her alone all night, and now’s my chance. “You want to stay and watch a movie or something?”

She shrugs. “Sure.”

I slip out of my shoes and suit jacket and loosen the buttons at my collar to be more comfortable. Grabbing my laptop, I log into Netflix, then turn off my red neon light, switching to a more relaxing neon blue lamp instead.

“What’s with the neon lights?” Ally asks while I sit in bed, beneath the covers, scrolling for something to watch.

I look up from the screen, finding her standing at the foot of my bed. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve been living here a week and not once have I seen your bedroom under normal light. You have about five different neon lamps and one of them is always on.”

“I have an affinity with neon lights and how they make me feel.”

“And how’s that?” she asks.

“Relaxed. They remind me of gambling dens. I like the darkness that comes with them. The silhouettes. You also look very pretty in neon lighting.”

Ally meets my gaze, not saying anything, but this girl always says so much with her eyes. She likes that I’m attracted to her. She wants to be kissed.Morethan kissed. She thinks about sex a lot.

“You gonna watch the movie standing up?” I ask when Ally remains at the foot of my bed.

She bites her bottom lip. “Where am I supposed to sit?”

“In bed with me.”

“Is that… okay?” Her voice turns thin. She’s suddenly nervous around me, which is kind of cute.

“Get in the fucking bed, Ally. We’re just watching a movie.”

She laughs and steps out of her ballet flats before climbing in, beneath the covers too,rightbeside me. This is what it’s been like between us ever since that night she fell asleep in my arms on the beach. When we’re alone, we sit closer to each other than we should. Sometimes I’ll hold her hand. We’ll watch movies on the couch with my arm draped around her shoulders.

Onlyeverwhen we’re alone.

Andneverdo we talk about it, both of us knowing the way we act is wrong.

This is the first time she’s entered my bed. I shouldn’t have suggested it. This is definitely crossing the line. But now that she’s here, so close to me, I can’t resist and slip my arm around her waist, pulling her even closer, till she’s all but sitting in my lap.

This close up, even with the neon blue light, I can see Ally blushing. She won’t meet my eyes, and looks straight at the laptop screen, but I see the slightest traces of a smile on her lips. She likes this. Maybe as much as I do. I’m trying, most definitely failing, at stopping myself from getting hard.

She’s not my girlfriend, but in moments like this, it feels like she is.

I live for moments like this.

We watch the movie in silence, occasionally making comments and laughing with each other. By two in the morning, when the closing credits rise up the screen and it’s time for Ally to return to her bedroom, she snuggles into me.