She glances over her shoulder at me, sighing with a laugh. “You think everything I play is perfect.”
That laugh. I feel it in my dick. I’m lost in the way her blue eyes linger on me. Ally must sense it, because she leaves the piano and joins me on her bed, sitting right next to me with her legs draped over mine.
“It wasn’t perfect,” she says, so casually, as if her thigh isn’t resting against my dick.
My card shuffling stops. I grab her hips and pull her closer, not caring if she feels how hard she’s making me. I place my palm on the inside of her bare thigh, my thumb brushing beneath the hem of her skirt. Fuck, I love that she lets me hold her like this. I always wonder how far I can push my luck. If my hand keeps rising beneath Ally’s skirt, at what point will she stop me? Will she let my fingers slip under her panties?
My better judgment tells me not to test Ally’s limits. She still hasn’t returned to my bed at night. She has reservations about us doing anything too physical. She won’t even acknowledge that she got naked in front of me. It’s not our dynamic.
Ally likes to pretend she’s not a total fucking slut for me.
That’sour dynamic.
The night of Ally’s first orgasm, it was like some sexual awakening in her. Sometimes, when our parents aren’t around, I’ll hear Ally in her bedroom, moaning as she pleases herself, practicing what I taught her. She wants me to hear, otherwise, she would keep the volume down. Her orgasms sound intense. Each time, I end up fucking my fist while I listen. I’m sure that’s what gets her off, knowing how much I want her.
On one occasion, Ally showered with the bathroom door ajar, just enough for me to peer in and watch her hold the detachable shower head to her pussy. I don’t know if that door was left open on purpose as an invitation for me to watch her.
Mistake on Ally’s behalf or not, Ididwatch her through the crack, very well knowing I shouldn’t. Not once had she ever left the door open before that night. She wants the world to perceive her as the perfect daughter of Josh and Amabella Blackwood. The face of Forever Families. But Ally secretly gets off on being naughty. She’s a dirty little thing for me and only me, and I love it.
Outside of those moments, our lives continue as normal. That’s the dance we play. It’s what makes my dick leak all the more for her.
“The song needs to be perfect for Juilliard.” She exhales loudly, her words sad.
Ally isn’t auditioning this year, wanting more control over her anxiety before applying to Juilliard again. She recently graduated from high school and has made a plan with our parents to take a gap year and focus on her piano skills, along with attending weekly therapy sessions to get a hold on her anxiety surrounding auditions. She works so incredibly hard to achieve her goals, it’s an inspiration.
“Let’s practice the breathing technique again.” Ally draws her legs away from me, crossing them as she sits up straight in a meditative position.
She looks so damn pretty as she closes her eyes and tries to center herself. Her lips are slightly parted. A pink headband pushes her blond hair back from her face.
After a few moments, when I haven’t moved or said anything, she pops an eye open to check what I’m doing and finds me unapologetically watching her.
“What?” She smiles, playfully shoving my chest. “Come on, talk me through the counting.”
“You don’t need me to count for you. You’ve got this.”
“Yeah, but I like the sound of your voice.” She closes her eyes again, and I give in, hearing her speak like this.
I talk her through the exercise, with my eyes remaining open the entire time so I can admire the sight of her sitting in front of me.
Sometimes, Ally talks about an alternative path to getting into Juilliard. There’s a famous pianist in Paris named DeLacroix. Ally says he’s incredible and offers a scholarship to one student each year where he teaches at the Paris Conservatoire. The scholarship isn’t for a college degree but a one-year steppingstone course. It would add to Ally’s skill and make her a more desirable candidate for Juilliard.
She tells me it would be a dream to be a recipient of the scholarship. That some of the greatest musicians of all time have graduated from this school. She doesn’t have the courage to apply for the scholarship, but I know she wants it. Her face lights up every time she talks about studying in Paris.
When we finish the breathing exercise, her eyes slowly open and a relaxed smile spreads over her pretty lips I’ve envisioned kissing a million times. I’d give anything to kiss Ally right now.
Instead, I make a decision that will perhaps one day show Ally how much she means to me. I’m going to send the Paris Conservatoire an audition tape on Ally’s behalf. My little secret. I’ll take a recording of her playing the piano when she’s unaware. That’s when she’s at her most brilliant, pouring herself into her music.
She’ll get the scholarship. I know she will. Then she’ll have options. If she decides to accept the scholarship, fuck, I’ll move to Paris too. I’ll give everyone some believable excuse as to why I need to travel with her. All I want is the best for Ally. I want to give her everything.
Chapter 15
Nine months later, Friday, June 1
A new toy to play with
There’s a package sitting on my bed when I return home late at night after dinner with my uncle Daxton.