While my eyes are closed, I picture David’s lips on mine, his fingers running over my hips. My hands raking down his back, traveling through his hair. His tongue massaging against my own, a breathless groan escaping his lips.

Maybe I need to go for a run after work or draw in my sketchbook. I’ve been so preoccupied with David and the Bratva life, I’m forgetting myself, forgetting my hobbies, what makes me relax, what makes me feel a sense ofself.

But right now, David needs me. And the more time that passes, I realize that I need him, too.



“Are yousureyou don’t want me to go with you?” Veronica quizzes, her forehead wrinkling with concern.

We’re standing in the parking lot after work. Everyone else has gone home for the evening.

I shake my head. “No. I don’t want to get you involved in this.”

“I’m already involved in this,” she reminds me.

“Not like that. I don’t want to put you in danger.” I press the unlock button on my car’s key fob.

Veronica plants a hand on her hip. “And how is it any better thanyouare puttingyourselfin danger?”

I clutch the door handle and yank it open, pondering. “I suppose it’s not.”

“At least let me follow you in my car. I’ll park a distance away, but if anything happens, I’ll be there to help you. Or at least call the police.”

I stand behind the door, eyeing her, debating. “It’s not your worst idea.”

She bounces on her heels and claps her hands. “I knew I’d wear you down.”

“This isn’t a fun mission,” I warn her.

She knots her fingers together and swallows hard. “Yes, of course. I know that.”

“And if I don’t find Vlad in the warehouse, I’ll leave,” I put one foot inside the car. I need to get moving. The more I stall on this, the more I’ll lose my nerve to follow through.

“Are you going inside?” Veronica’s mouth forms a horrified oval shape.

“No, but…”

“Isn’t this how you got caught last time?” her eyes narrow.

I lick my lips and settle into the seat. Veronica comes up beside me, her arms crossed. She’s standing in the doorframe so I can’t close it.

“I’m not going to get caught. I’m going around the back. I know Vlad’s work schedule at the warehouse.”

“How?” She tilts her head.

I hesitate before answering. “David told me.”


“Well, he didn’t exactly. He gave me a rundown of what their counterfeit operations routine is at this specific warehouse. It’s on the edge of the city. Not the one by the bay.”

Veronica scratches her cheek. “So, basically in the middle of nowhere?”

“You don’t have to come,” I remind her.

She doesn’t skip a beat. “No, I want to. I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”