“Hey, neighbor,” she stammers, looking nervous.
“Afternoon, Holly.”
I don’t mean to give her my charm. I’ve told myself time and again not to flirt with this woman, but somehow, I just end up doing it, anyway.
“Jenny! I brought someone to meet you.” Suddenly, the stranger from the unidentified car is no longer a mystery. It’s my meddling grandmother herself. And she brought a friend.
“Oh, no. Please, no,” I mutter and watch Holly’s smile fall as a pretty blonde steps onto the sidewalk next to my grandma.
Panic sets in, and my hands get sweaty. I don’t want to meet this woman. She’s not the one because there’s no one for me. Grandma will never understand that, though, which means I need a plan and fast.
“Do me a favor, and I’ll owe you one,” I tell my innocent neighbor, who has no idea what’s going on. “Please just go along with it.”
She looks up at me with those pretty angel eyes I can fall into, but the look she gives me is confusion. It’s too late to explain to her, now.
“Jenny, I brought someone to see you,” Grandma spouts, and I quickly pull Holly into my arms. The embrace should be awkward. It’s sudden and sloppy, but she seems to melt into me. And fuck, if she doesn’t smell like sugar cookies.
“Oh, I’m sorry am I interrupting something?” Surprise paints the faces of my grandma and the random woman she’s brought over, her newest attempt at setting me up. They look at me in question.
“You’re never a bother, Grandma. I’m just saying goodbye to my girlfriend before she leaves.” My declaration is a bomb that leaves shock and awe in its wake. The three women stare at me in question. Holly’s red cheeks are back, and Grandma’s friend looks a little green. Suddenly, her plan to meet her future boy toy is spoiled. I’d rather disappoint her this way than on a date,though. She doesn’t have time to ask questions as Gizmo jumps up, knocking her off her feet, and she starts yelling at him.
“Ew. Get this mutt off me!”
My new fake girlfriend jumps into action. She rushes over to Gizmo. “Here, boy, come.”
Again, he listens to her command, leaving the fuming blonde in his wake. Holly, being a sweetheart, extends her hand to help up the stranger, who clearly doesn’t want her help. Instead, the woman gets up on her own and stomps back to her car.
Turning, I see my grandma is no longer in shock but stares at the chaotic scene with a huge smile on her face. In that moment, I realize I’ve created another problem for myself.
“Girlfriend, Jenny?”
“Oh, yes, ma’am. Um… I’d like you to meet my neighbor, Holly,” I say, turning to the blushing beauty who looks as if she’d rather run back home than meet my grandma, but luckily, she walks back over to us with a shy smile. “Sweetheart, this is my grandmother, Rita.”
“Nice to meet you, ma’am.”
“Oh, none of that ma’am business. You can call me Grandma,” she declares then pulls Holly into a hug. Over her little shoulder, Holly mouths words I read clearly. “You owe me so big.” And I can’t help but smile. She’s so fucking cute, and the fact she’s going along with this crazy plan makes me like her even more. Which also isn’t good, but it’s something for me to deal with later.
“It’s so nice to meet you, dear. You have no idea how happy it makes me to know my Jenson has a good woman by his side.”
Holly sees me roll my eyes and tries to stifle her laugh. She’s sweet and graciously answers all my grandmother’s questions. It seems as if an hour goes by as we stand in my driveway talking. The blonde is long gone now and easily forgotten. My full attention is on my captivating neighbor and the way sheeasily makes my grandma laugh. She plays fetch with Gizmo without an ounce of annoyance and sends me glances every so often, silently telling me we need to talk. All the while, she protects me and plays along with this crazy scenario I pulled her into. I don’t deserve this girl, and I swear I won’t hurt her. I have no unreal expectations. Maybe, I could build her something or let her borrow Gizmo, sometimes. I’d miss him every other weekend, but I’d know he’d be happy and close by. I could do that if she wanted.
“I hate to meet you and run, but I’ve got to get to work—well I should sayweneed to get to work,” Holly says, catching my attention.
I’m the one confused now, and my worry grows as her smile widens.
“Jenson, here, is the sweetest boyfriend. He’s really bailing me out by playing Santa at the mall this weekend. The kids are going to love him.”
Fuck me. The realization of her favor sets in, and I know I definitely should have thought through this plan better. Dread fills my stomach, and my face hides nothing. Both woman just laugh at me. I don’t want to play Santa Claus. I like kids, but not that much.
“Oh, Jenny, I’m sure that’s the last thing you want to do. Just know I’m so proud of you. This girl of yours is a keeper. I’ll let you get going, but I need a ride home, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course. Right this way,” Holly says, cheerfully escorting my grandma to the back of her car. They’re both waiting for me by the time I reluctantly turn and close up my garage. I put Gizmo back inside and change into a clean T-shirt. Then, just like that, I’m driving shotgun with my fake girlfriend, on my way play Santa.
“Girlfriend?” I say to Jenson the moment his grandma, Rita, steps inside her house. I don’t even reverse out of her driveway before I get the words out. “You just told your grandma I’m your girlfriend? I’m so confused, and honestly, I would have shut down your lying game right from the start if I wasn’t so desperate.”