“Okay, well, that was appearance one. I’ll drive. Meet you outside, Santa,” I announce and head for the door.
It doesn’t take him long to join me in the car, but he’s back to his grumpy stoic nature. The drive seems longer in the quiet, and he clearly doesn’t want to talk about last night, so I don’t bring it up.
The day at the mall flies by with awkward glances and short answers. Jenson stays grumpy with me but puts on a smile for the kids, at least. By the end of the day, when I pull back into my driveway, I’m too tired to care about his attitude.
“Goodnight, Grumpy. Thanks for the favor. Let me know when you need me for girlfriend duty.”
I turn and head home. There’s a tray of Christmas tree sugar cookies on my counter I’ve been thinking about all day.
Once inside, I shed my elf clothes and opt for no bra, a baggy sweater, and some sweat pants. When I’m finally sitting down to watchA Christmas Story, I get a knock on the door, and I grumble as I get to my feet.
Standing outside, with perfectly styled hair and a clean, sawdust free button-up flannel, is my fake boyfriend.
Images from last night sweep through my head, making me feel flushed. Am I blushing? I really hope not.
“Hey,” Jenson says, rubbing the back of his neck. It’s almost as if he’s shy, which I know isn’t true. What’s he up to?
“Hey,” is all I reply.
“Would you be able to join me and my grandma for dinner tonight?”
For a moment, I think about it. I did promise, and I don’t really mind hanging out with Rita anytime, but I want to make him sweat. After a beat too long, he starts to shake his head. When he opens his mouth, I interrupt before he can say anything.
“Sure. Give me fifteen, and I’ll be ready.”
I leave him standing in my open doorway. It’s an invitation to come in that I hope he takes. If not, he can stand out thereand wait. I rush upstairs to throw on a modest dress and heels, refresh my makeup, and spritz on just a little perfume. Because I want to smell good, and not because I want my grumpy neighbor to notice.
When I come back down, I notice Jenson’s made his way inside but is still standing by the door, looking guilty. Does he regret last night? My stomach sours at the thought. Was it so awful for him he couldn’t come, and that’s why he took off so fast? Fuck, this is the last thing I need to worry about before our first fake dinner date.
“Alright, I’m ready,” I mutter, already wishing I’d said no to this crazy scheme.
The one-night stands I’ve had in the past came like freight trains, and I was happy to never see them again. This feels all wrong and awkward as hell.
With his hands in his pockets, Jenson stares at me, so I make the move for the door beside him and open it. I wait for him to follow and then lock up. Still, he keeps his hands tucked away in his jeans. When we get to my car, he takes one out to open the door, then it goes back into his pocket. He sits beside me looking uncomfortable. I want to ask him what his deal is but find myself nervous. I hate this feeling. It’s like that childhood nightmare of standing in front of the class, just to realize you’re naked and everyone is staring in shock or laughing and pointing.
Jenson only speaks to give me directions, and for the first time, I wonder why I’m driving. It’s one thing to drive to work, which I’m so used. Tonight, his ass should have driven me. My mind reels and my nerves are shit by the time we pull up to a little house with a few strings of Christmas lights on it. This is Rita’s home, and from what I’ve gathered from her, it’s where Jenson was raised. It’s an intimate place for a fake date. How the hell am I going to play it cool all night?
Why the fuck did I steal her panties? They were just lying there on the floor, and my body moved like a man possessed. Memories of Holly beneath me flooded my lust-stricken brain, and I couldn’t think of anything else. I had to claim them. No one else could ever see them, and the thought alone made me angry. Then seconds later, before I could think clearly, she came downstairs, nearly catching me.
Now, I’m sitting in my grandma’s living room with the object of my affection rubbing my bicep, an act that has nothing to do with any real feelings for me.
It’s what I wanted. The only rule I had in this fake arrangement, and yet, I’m restless with aggravation. I’m wrestling with shame over how I left her last night, and even worse, it doesn’t seem to bother her.
Does she think that shit is acceptable? A man should worship the ground she walks on, not run off without making it clear being inside her was a gift. One I still feel as if I don’tdeserve, but damn it… What if things were different? I can’t eat, I’ve gotten little sleep, and my mind reels with only her.
Today was torture. I didn’t know what to say to her about last night, and her casual attitude was enough to make me go crazy. If this is another one of her games, I’m at the point of forfeiting. She wins.
“Thank you for dinner, Rita. It was delicious.”
“Of course, dear. I’m so happy you could join us. Jenny has dinner with me every week. It’s so nice of him to bring a friend along. Especially, one as beautiful as you are.”
Good one, Grandma. She’s not wrong, but she’s pouring on the cheese strong tonight.
“Aw, thank you for saying that. You’re too kind. It was really my pleasure. If it weren’t for the invite, my dinner would have consisted of a tray of sugar cookies. You really saved me from myself.”