I scroll my phone in between bites, needing privacy so I can make a call. “Fine.”
There are a few beats of silence while we eat.
“You do what they say, and you’ll be fine.” My thumb halts movement over my screen, and I meet his eyes. “The doctor said it looked really good. Just stick to the plan. When you’re ready, Sean won’t let you slack.”
I let out a slow breath, wishing football was my biggest worry right now. I am worried. My entire life has been the game, and I’m not ready to be done. But the woman of my actual dreams is waiting for me, and I can’t afford to mess it up.
“I’ve got a lot of work to do.” I’ve got to figure out how to actually be with my wife.
“Well, good thing you know how to work harder than the rest. Quit stomping around and get to it.”
Get to it.I grab my phone and head to my room, needing a plane and time. I may only have a few hours, but I’m going to do what Shane said. I’ll work hard. I’ll work harder than I’ve ever worked in my life because none of the rest of it matters if Lex isn’t a part of it.
Chapter 18
My Uber pulls up to the address Mark sent me. A couple of cars sit in the drive, and I double-check the link he sent, instantly realizing maybe I should have thought this through. I tried to call him, but he hasn’t returned my call. A surprise visit probably wasn’t the most brilliant plan, but under the circumstances, there’s no such thing as perfect timing.
My driver clears her throat, peering at me in the rearview mirror while I remain glued to the worn fabric seat.
“Sorry,” I whisper, apparently having lost all confidence along with my voice on the two-and-a-half-hour flight.
I gather my backpack and small suitcase as my nerves form a protest line. Willing myself to ignore them, I open the door and step out, taking a second to adjust my sweatshirt.
This is what I came to do. I can do this.I need to say the words and ignore his handsome face and charm, deny access to all memories of him and his declarations, and not let him pull me in. No touching.
NO TOUCHING until we face reality and understand where we go from here.
I inhale the dry, warm air as the car pulls away from the curb, leaving me stranded. I stare at the white stucco house with a clay tile roof. I can remain stuck on the sidewalk and request another car to come get me, or I can do what I came to do.
It’s you and me, baby. Let’s do this.
I haul myself up to the door and stab the doorbell with a shaky finger, not giving myself a chance to chicken out.Maybe I should call him.
I pull my phone from my pocket, but the door swings open, and a woman with long, dark, curly hair smiles at me. My lungs deflate like two blown airbags, and a cool sweat breaks out in all my dark places. I contemplate running.
I swallow, recognizing her as Sean’s girlfriend, and she’s even more beautiful in person.
I didn’t think this through. I didn’t think about Mark having guests or remember his family would be here.Shit!
“Hi. Can I help you?”
I shift my weight, wondering if I could play the ‘sorry, wrong address’ card, but then I hear Slade’s obnoxious voice call me a pansy-ass. The thought of him catches in my throat.
The fresh wave of hurt shoves me forward.
“I, uh . . . I’m looking for Mark.” I try to suck in air as my anxiety hikes to a ten, and my pulse bangs against my eardrums.
The woman’s eyes run over me, taking note of the suitcase at my side as a tiny bead of sweat rolls down my spine. Then her eyebrows raise with something that resembles . . . amusement.
“Mark, huh? Come on in.”
She pulls the door open further, and I hear what sounds like a full-fledged party. There’s laughter, yelling, and kids’ voices coming from somewhere further inside.
I step into the entryway, expecting her to find Mark and tell him I’m here, but instead, she waves her hand, gesturing me to follow.
“Mark’s around here somewhere. Come on, but watch out for flying things and crawling littles.”