Page 88 of It's Always Us

SEXY BABIES’ DADDY: Landed. How’s it going?

I almost laugh out loud when I see Mark apparently snuck in and changed his contact name to something so ridiculously fitting.

SEXY BABIES’ DADDY: I miss your*Lips emoji*

SEXY BABIES’ DADDY: Your *Smiley face emoji*

SEXY BABIES’ DADDY: Your *Leg emoji*

SEXY BABIES’ DADDY: Your *Peach emoji*

SEXY BABIES’ DADDY: I’m *Skull emoji*

My mom catches my smile. “What’s so funny? Is that him?” she asks with venom, certain he’s the scum of the earth.

My phone buzzes again. I glance, unable to decipher it quickly.

SEXY BABIES’ DADDY: *SpeechEasy App link.*

She makes an annoyed throat-clearing noise.

“Yes.” I set my phone on my leg, slightly rejuvenated. There are so many things I could say, so many things I could tell her, but I won’t. She doesn’t know Mark. She really doesn’t even know me, and that’s her problem.

“These babies and Mark are the best news of my life. I’m sorry you don’t see that,” I say quietly.

She turns from scrubbing a pan at the kitchen sink. “You may think differently when you’re raising them alone and trying to scrape by. Alex, what are you going to do? Have you thought about this? How will you support two babies on what little you make at the garage? Daycare will eat up everything you make, and it’s not like you can get a better job.”

I breathe in through my nose and hold it, squeezing my stomach muscles tight. I knew it would come to this. I just freaking knew it.

Bob and Brad both set their forks and napkins down. “I think we’ll head out,” Bob says, pushing his chair back, but remains seated when she ignores him.

“I’m sure you think this guy is going to show up. He’ll be there holding your hand and caring for the baby when it cries at night or is sick.” She lets out a disappointed huff. “How are you going to do this? You can’t even . . . ”

It should hurt, but it doesn’t. It normally would, but today, I feel sorry for her that she thinks the entire male population is a bunch of lying deadbeats. I have people who love me. A whole handful of men who’ve stayed and supported me. Men who don’t give a flying fuck that I can’t read and think no less of me because of it.

I put my phone in my pocket and sit back in my chair. “Mom, I’m sorry that’s what you believe. No matter what I say, it won’t make any difference. I have a disability, but it doesn’t impair my ability to judge someone’s character or their capacity to love me.”

It’s the first time I’ve used that word in relation to myself and not felt complete shame. “I will take care of these babies, both of them and regardless of what you think, Mark will be a part of it.” I stand and glance at Bob, who seems like he might actually be a decent guy. “I hope for you that someday you’ll meet someone who changes your mind.”

I move to the door and turn back. “Bob, it was nice meeting you,” I say softly, not wanting to be a total jerk.

He nods and winks at me. “You too, honey. Congratulations. You take care now.”

Brad hops out of his chair like a jack-in-the-box and meets me at the door. “I’ll be heading out, too.”

The cold, moist air feels good against my hot skin. I exhale a long breath, and it billows in front of me. Brad closes the door, and we walk down the driveway together.

“I’m really sorry about that,” I offer quietly, pulling my keys from my pocket as I quickly walk to my truck.

He holds up his hand. “No need to apologize. I wish you the best.TheMark Sandberg, huh? I knew he was from here, but man . . . ” He stops at my truck, rubbing his chin. “Your mom clearly has no idea who he is.” I smile, shaking my head. “That’ll be something when she figures it out.” I nod, my smile growing a little wider.

I know my mom loves and worries about me. I also know deep down she wants the best for me. She just uses her past decisions and experiences to predict my future. We aren’t the same, and Mark is not my dad.

Brad surveys my truck. “You do good work.” He gestures to it. “I know a lot of people who’d pay good money to have a truck restored like this.”

I glance at my old truck. “Yeah. It’s my favorite kind of work.”

“You’ve clearly got talent. It was nice meeting you.” He steps away and smiles a nice smile. “If Mark ends up being an asshole . . . ” He gestures with his fist.