Page 52 of It's Always Us

He cocks an eyebrow at my claim to one of his girls. Maggie’s youngest sibling had Shane wrapped around her pinky from day one, and she’s had a firm grip on his heart ever since.

“So, when surgery is done, we’re going back to your place, and then I need to have you at the doctor’s office at 8 a.m. tomorrow. They’ll discuss your therapy schedule.”

I’ve heard all this before. I tune him out, trying to ready myself to be wheeled back and knocked out. Maybe the whole knocking-out thing won’t be so bad. Then, I can dream of Lex and the only thing I want to do when I finally get to see her.

“Seriously, what is up with you?” Shane’s staring at me.

“Nothing. I hate all places like this.”

“No, you have this stupid goofy look on your face. What’s going on? What have you done?”

I’m saved by a nurse rushing in and telling me it’s time. I settle myself on the gurney, and Shane pats my shoulder as she wheels me into the hall, telling me things I’m not listening to. In the operating room, they hook me up, and then, thankfully, I’m out.


I blink. I blink again. Everything is fuzzy, and my mouth feels like someone shoved a sheet of sandpaper into it. My mind is cloudy, and I’m floating in some kind of hazy funk.

Lex. I need to talk to Lex.

I try to sit up.

“Hey, lay still.” Shane’s huge form comes into my view.

I reach for my arm, wanting to be sure it’s still there.

His large hand falls on mine, and it weighs a hundred pounds.

“Everything went well. Even better than expected. The doctors said you’ll be good as new.” His voice is low and muffled.

“Lex.” My tongue sticks to the top of my mouth. “I need my phone.”

Shane’s hands hold me in place while I try to wiggle free.

“Mark, you’re all drugged up.”

I shake my head, and the room spins. “No, Lex. I need to . . . ”

“Just relax.”

Frustration fills my sedated mental capacity. “I need to text her. She’s waiting.”

“Ok. We’ll do that later. Do you want some water?”

He holds a cup with a straw in front of me, and I sip the cold water, giving me life. The only thing I want is Lex. I need her to tell me it’s going to be ok. To hug her and kiss her. And then kiss her some more and more and . . .

“No. I want my wife. I need to call her.” My good arm flaps around, searching for my phone again, but Shane prevents me.

“Mark, relax. You don’t know what you’re saying. We’ll be out of here soon enough, but not if you’re high as a kite.”

I let my balloon-filled head rest back on the stiff pillow. I surrender, all the pain I’ve lived with now missing.

“Can you get me out of here?” I ask the big warden who won’t get my phone.

“Soon. Although, I can tell dealing with you will be a real treat.”

“You’re a real jackass. You’re fired.”

“You can’t fire me. I volunteered to take care of you.”