Page 50 of Here Be Dragons

“Ride me, My Treasure. Ride your dragon mate.”

My swollen cock still glistened with her juices. I positioned her over me and urged her down. Her pussy swallowed me greedily, and she cried out, throwing her head back. The lantern light reflected off her hair and her jewelry, making her glow and sparkle.

She rocked her hips, but her legs were too short for her knees to go all the way to the mat, and she couldn’t get enough leverage. So I gripped her hips, moving her up and down my cock, and soon she was tightening around me again.

Fuck. I didn’t know how much longer I could last.

My hips jerked as I pistoned savagely up into her. She threw her arms around my neck, holding on as I fucked her as if our lives depended on it. She bounced up and down on my cock, her honeyed juices slick and silky. My cave was filled with her moans and cries, and the pressure in my loins was building. My knot started to swell, and she was reduced to just grinding on me, and then finally, to no movement at all.

She hissed at how tight it was and I cupped the back of her head, holding her to my chest as I kissed her sweaty hair. We’d been fucking a lot the past few days, and she was probably quite sore.We had some healing salve back at the resort; I would slather her thoroughly with it inside and out when we got back.

The sounds of our lovemaking echoing in the chamber slowly faded to nothing but our soft breathing. She was draped over me, the jewelry still heavy on her neck and wrists, the piece around her neck pressing against our skin. That couldn’t be very comfortable. As she relaxed on me, I carefully removed each and every item, draping them over the edge of the nest.

By the time she was naked, she’d fallen fast asleep. We had done this a lot throughout this trip, fucking and napping. She was snoring softly, still wrapped around me. My knot had started to soften, but I kept my cock in her. I was too comfortable to move.

Here, in my cave of treasures, we were safe and protected, and I wished I could stay here with her forever, ignoring the toils and troubles of the world outside. I didn’t want to think about the competition, or the museum, or anything else.

Forever with her sounded perfect.

I hadn’t felt contentment like this for a very long time. Not since…my dragon let out a low growl of warning, and I mentally backtracked. He was right: some things were better left in the past. I’d learned my lesson, and that was what mattered most. I’d do anything and go to any length to keep Carly safe.

She was and always would be the most important treasure I would ever own. The one I’d been placed on this world to find. Some went through their entire lives never finding their mate. What if she’d never taken the job? Or if I’d settled elsewhere instead of Darlington? There had been several other gold minesI could’ve claimed instead. Just the tiniest turn in history, and I might have never found her, never known this feeling of ultimate contentment.

The sparkle of a diamond on one of the necklaces caught my eye. The piece was beautiful but dated, and the other gems on it were subpar. At the time I’d collected it for my future mate, I’d had different tastes. A little gaudy now, in my current opinion.

I reached over and picked up the piece. At the time it had been made, rubies and sapphires had been the preferred gems, not diamonds. That wasn’t the case now; humans were strangely fickle when it came to such things. But although the ruby was frankly less than perfect, the diamond set above it was as large, clear, and sparkling as ever, with the perfect mix of fire and clarity.

I held the necklace up to her hand, which was limp at her side as she napped. It was the perfect stone for her engagement ring. Maybe a touch big, but it would need to be shaped into a more contemporary cut, and that would remove any excess.

And whenever I saw it on her finger, it would remind me of this magical moment when it was just me and her and our treasure. Yes. It was the perfect stone indeed.

The gold around it was heavy but malleable, and it didn’t take long for me to ease the stone out of its setting. I draped the necklace back over the nest but made sure to tuck the freed diamond carefully under a pillow. I’d come back for it later.

Then, with my beloved mate still on top of me, I closed my eyes and napped.

Chapter 27


“Not that I’m complainingone bit,” I said as I snuggled back against my mate, “but didn’t we come here to check the compass?”

“We did. But I got distracted by a better treasure.”

“Super corny, but I’ll take it.” I reached for the compass, which was still around my neck under all the other jewelry. The chainwas enchanted to make it very light, and I often forgot I was wearing it. I looked at it and frowned.

What the hell? The needle had started spinning around uncontrollably.

“I don’t think it’s working.”

Desmon leaned over me to look. “No, it wouldn’t in here. There is magic in this cave preventing any transmission of information, whether by magic or technology, to or from the outside world.” He reached around my neck and carefully unclasped the delicate chain. “I will step out of the enchanted area and check. It is dangerous out there; we are on the side of a cliff. It might be best for you to stay here where it is safe.”

“You won’t be gone long, will you?” I wasn’t sure I was wild about being left alone here for any length of time. Sure, there was a ton of treasure for me to look at, but I was still locked in a cave. If—perish the thought—anything happened to Desmon and he didn’t return, this would be a very fancy tomb.

“Not long at all, my sweet. I just have to step outside and fly out of range of the spell.”


He leaned in and gave me a very thorough kiss that left me panting and wanting more. “I will return soon,” he promised. “Feel free to look around. What’s mine is yours. Get acquainted with your treasure.”