Desmon chuckled. “No. That was just my dragon fire solidifying our mate bond. It shouldn’t happen again.”
“Good. That would get expensive. I’m glad the foam on the nest held up.” He must’ve known it would happen and why he’d tossed most of the pillows and the blanket over the edge.
He lay back down in the nest despite all the ash and gathered me into his arms. “I know you have more questions, so ask away,and I will answer. Then, we will take a shower together, and I’ll get this place cleaned up.”
That sounded like a good plan to me.
“Okay, what’s all this about us being mates and solidifying our mate bond. Emmett mentioned my being your mate too.” I knew what that meant, unlike some people, but I wasn’t sure if this was just some bullshitting on Emmett’s part or if there was any truth behind it.
“Emmett guessed correctly. I’m sorry you had to hear it from someone else first, but youaremy mate. Solidifying our bond means it is permanent now; I’ve claimed you.”
I took a deep breath and gazed up at the myriad of colorful, sparkling gems overhead, trying to keep calm. Mated. To a dragon. Wow.
“If a dragon finds a mate who is a creature with a significantly shorter life span, we share the remainder of our years with them. To extend your life by two years, I must give up one of mine.”
My jaw dropped. “Wait! No way! You can’t give up your long life for little ol’ me!”
That didn’t seem fair at all. I was no one special, just some girl who was lucky enough to get a job at his museum but also klutzy enough to spill coffee on him.
“The mate bond will have it no other way.” He looked resigned but content, like he’d already gone through all this in his head.
“But it’s not fair!” I knew I sounded like a child there, but I didn’t care.
“Let me tell you a secret, my sweet. Many dragons die lonely and miserable, doing something risky just to feel something, anything. A long life has its drawbacks. It is why dragons and demons play their games. There would be nothing to fill the days otherwise.” He tucked me carefully under his wing. “I have decided I’d rather live a happy and worthwhile life with you than an excessively long one alone. I have already lived a long time.”
“What if I’m not worth it?”
“You are my mate. You will be worth it.” He hesitated before continuing. “That day at the fabric mill…I didn’t do anything to stop my fire from harming you. Only a dragon’s mate or egg can withstand that fire. My dragon knew the moment he saw you. I didn’t. Damn near had a heart attack when I saw those flames engulf you.”
I remembered the feeling of his fire surrounding me like an embrace. “Your fire was…strange, but nice. Like a very warm hug. It wanted to stay with me, I think.” Then I realized he said that only a dragon’s mate “or egg” were immune. “Wait. What happens after the eggs hatch? Are the babies not immune anymore?”
“Very newly hatched dragonlets are still treated as eggs by our fire, but as they grow, they lose immunity.” His expression changed ever so slightly, in a way that I would have missed if I hadn’t been staring right at him. “But you survived, and I had to concede to my dragon. You are my mate. I have no interest in fighting that bond.”
“I’ve heard mate bonds are pretty ironclad. For some of the more well-known monsters anyway, I think?”
“Yes. It is the same with dragons.”
Deciding I needed to be completely open with my concerns, I laid it all on the line. “I’m worried. We come from different worlds. You’ve seen my apartment. I was having to wait until my next paycheck to even afford an extra pair of pants. You’re used to fancy things and attending galas and who knows what all else. I… I’m not sure I can fit in.”
I’d seen the pictures of those attending the Monsters & Magic Charity Gala that was held at the Darlington Museum every year. Everyone was so glamorous, and I knew I’d stick out like a sore thumb.
He chuckled. “I doubt I fit in myself, and Ithrowthe galas. Let me tell you a secret. Money is a social lubricant. There are some very awkward characters who attend the Monsters & Magic Charity Gala. You will not stand out one bit, trust me. The media is predictable: we will dress you up in a beautiful, glittering gown, and they will ooh and ahh and flash their cameras at us, and then quickly move on to the next guests. You will already know others there, too. Mateo works security every year. I like having him there. Seth will be there as well. One year, Elana might even come. But the WEC will be there and she is still terrified of them, despite my protection. So I don’t push it, much as I’d like to see her attend.”
“She told me about how you welcomed her in and hid her from those awful wizards. That was really kind of you.”
Desmon shrugged. “I am not kind. I am pragmatic. I saw Seth’s potential to be more powerful than any of those idiots in the WEC. I needed a personal wizard.”
I weighed his words. They held the ring of truth. But I’d also seen him with Seth, and Mateo too. I doubted Desmon would give a wizard from the WEC the same consideration, but I didn’t push it. This was something he had to realize on his own.
“Any more questions you want answered?”
“Yes. Do all dragons hatch from eggs?” What I really wanted to ask was if we would be able to have children since I couldn’t lay eggs, but I felt it was too early in the relationship for that question.
“Yes, they do.”
To my disappointment, he did not elaborate, or answer my unasked question,
“Anything else?” he asked. “I expected to be well and truly bombarded.”