So I left out the part about being a ditched witch and just told him about the spell, showing him the page on theLet’s Talk About Hexforum where I’d found it, which was still up on my screen. The spell was the most popular and well-reviewed one of its kind, with an impressive average four-point-five star rating. That was unheard of in a forum where some users wrote reviews like, “Amazing! This potionliterally saved my life! Three-point-six-seven stars.”
A pair of old-fashioned spectacles popped into existence, perched on Prax’s nose. I was pretty sure incubi didn’t have myopia since they could shape their corneas perfectly, and even if they didn’t, they didn’t need eyes to see, but it was kind of cute.
“This is a love spell. A forever until you are wedded and bedded spell,” Prax said, frowning. “That’s not what I signed up for.”
“Technically, you didn’t sign anything.”
“True.” He glanced around the room at the moving boxes and empty wine bottles. “But you look like you need some company. I’ll stick around.” He grabbed the closest bottle of wine, which still had a little left at the bottom, and drained it.
“No, it’s okay. You can go. I didn’t expect the spell to toss an incubus into my living room.” I was super lucky that he was a friendly demon. It could’ve been a lot worse, and I didn’t want to continue testing the proverbial horseshoe wedged up my butt.
Prax shrugged. “No, I’m staying. I’m not your forever man, but I’m bored right now, and you’ve piqued my interest. Besides, I already answered the summons, so I’m stuck. We might as well get to the bedded part. It’s the twenty-first century. People bed before they wed now, don’t they?”
“Uhh…yes…for the most part. But that’s not what I’m looking for.You’renot what I’m looking for. I don’t want a temporary liaison with an incubus.”
“Maybe not, but I’m what you need.” Strong arms pulled me down to sit in his lap. “I get the sense someone’s broken your heart. Guess what? I’ve comforted heartbroken women over multiple centuries, but not yet in this one. You can break me in.”
That had me giggling. “Break you in? Like a new pair of shoes? Do you use that line often?”
He grinned playfully. “Did it work?”
“Not at all!” Well, maybe a little.
Itwasnice in the circle of his arms. I was starved for touch, and it felt good to be held. So instead of fighting it, I decided to sink into his arms.
I was a lot more relaxed now than when he’d first appeared. He hadn’t done anything to hurt me yet, and he’d already had plenty of opportunity. That still didn’t mean he was totally safe, but I didn’t exactly have a way to make him leave either.
I’d set up rudimentary wards around my new home, but he was already through them, and I didn’t know any demon banishment spells off the top of my head. It wasn’t something I’d ever needed to memorize.
So, yeah. Better to play along and see where things went.
“Hey, I know—why don’t you show me a picture of the asshole who broke your heart, and I’ll make myself look like him, and then you can punch me. Would that make you feel better?”
Was this guy serious? I laughed. “I’m not going to punch you. That’s a dumb idea. I’ll admit I might be tempted for, like, a fraction of a second, but you’re not him. You’re you.”
“Okay then. I know something else that would cheer you up.” Prax reached for my laptop, pulled up a music streaming site, and chose a playlist. Tinny music from my laptop speakers filled the room. “Dance with me, little witch.”
Chapter 2
I extended my handto the sexy little witch, trying to ignore the horrible quality of the music coming from her device.
I really should've read the fine print before accepting the magical summons because she was right: this was a call for the perfect man. A happily-ever-after man. Not a good-times incubus.
I’d jumped right in answering the summons, thinking it was a booty call. It was the first I’d answered this century, not becauseI hadn’t received any, but because I’d been held prisoner by an evil wizard. Now I was finally free, and I was ready to party.
I’d taken one look at the witch and answered the summons without even checking it over closely. What a perfect woman she would’ve been to break me out of my funk! Even heartbroken and drunk, she was cute. Enticing.
She wore a comfy-looking pajama set with sharks on it and the wordsBite Thisemblazoned across her chest at the front and her perfect ass at the back. Her midnight black hair cascaded down her back in a messy way that had me wondering how I could mess it up even more. The remnants of old eyeliner were smeared under her eyes, giving her a just-fucked look.
She was a far cry from a dolled-up siren, but I’d seen enough of those the morning after to recognize natural beauty when I saw it. I appreciated the effort it took to produce rouged cheeks, lined eyes, painted lips, and artfully arranged hair, but I also knew that art and artifice disappeared when the rooster crowed.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved me a painted lady. But outward sex appeal didn’t always equate to delicious inner sexual energy, and as an incubus, I cared much more about the latter. This little human was as delectable as they came, ripe and ready for the picking.
Since I was already here, I might as well enjoy myself and forget about the spell and what it entailed. Besides, the cute little witch emanated such sadness that I couldn’t have left her even if the spell had permitted it.
I recognized the smell of tears—anywhere, anytime. The centuries had changed nothing. Men were still jackasses, leaving women for me to cheer up. I’d always been a sucker for a broken heart. Some accused me of taking advantage of the weak, but I saw it differently, as showing them that they were still wanted and worthy. And indeed, many of my human conquests went on to live notable lives.