“It will be all right, Liam.”

Liam gave her a hint of a smile. “I wish I could believe that, love.” And then he was gone.

Kim tried to concentrate on work but found her attention wandering to Shiftertown. She had much to catch up on, phone calls to return, reports from her investigator on Michelle’s ex to go through, letters to compose. But she worried about Michael—had he merely wandered off or had something more sinister happened? Was he exploring some place exciting to small Shifter boys; was there another feral Shifter on the loose?

Liam hadn’t been gone an hour before she was on the phone to him. He told her, his voice warm as ever, that he had nothing to report. Apparently, Michael’s mother had stepped inside for a minute, when his little brother had come running to the front porch to tell her that Michael was gone. Early searches had turned up nothing. All Shiftertown was now about to start a serious one.

Kim heard the worry in Liam’s voice. This happening, on top of his fight with his father and Fergus’s threats, couldn’t be easy on him.

When had she started caring so much? Her fascination with Shifters, her first attraction to Liam, her growing physical need for him had blossomed into something much deeper. It was more than the mating frenzy Liam kept talking about. There was something about Liam that made her want to be near him, to hold him when he hurt, to laugh with him when he was happy.

She squeezed her eyes shut. Damn it all, I’ve fallen in love with him. When did I get so stupid?

Kim tried to return to work. She couldn’t bother Liam; he’d have his hands full. But she couldn’t help calling him back as she ate lunch at her desk. Nothing, Liam reported.

He sounded even grimmer. Kim assured him that she was all right—no need to worry about her. He told her to take care, warmth in every word. When Liam said the trite phrase, he really meant it.

Kim called Liam back at two, but he didn’t answer.

Leave him alone, she told herself. He’s busy doing his job.

To think she’d once assumed his job was managing a bar.

By three, Kim couldn’t take it anymore. She packed her briefcase and told Jeanne, her secretary, that she’d work the rest of the day at home.

Kim hurried out into the parking lot to nearly run into Abel, who was returning from a day in court. “Kim,” he said.

“Hey, Abel. I gotta go. See you tomorrow.”

Abel stepped in front of her. He was perspiring, his face red and shiny above his tight suit coat. He looked furious, which meant he must have lost his case.

“I heard that you dumped me for a Shifter.”

The boy wonder had finally caught on. “That’s none of your business. I have to go.”

He stepped in front of her again. “Where to? Your Shifter? That stinking animal you dragged in here? You’re screwing him, aren’t you? You’re screwing an animal.”

Kim rolled her eyes. “You were always so clueless.”

“I’ll have you fired. I’ll get you disbarred.”

“It’s not against the law to go out with a Shifter. Or even to go to bed with one. Grow up, Abel.”

Kim tried to go around him again, and again, Abel barred her way. After meeting Fergus, Abel frightened Kim about as much as a gnat, but she wondered what he was going to do. Deck her in the parking lot? Great PR for the law firm.

“Would you get out of the way?”

“Were you doing him while you were going out with me? Tell me the truth. You were already screwing him then, weren’t you? You were double-dipping.”

“Obviously you want me to say yes.”

“Shifter-whore,” Abel said. “I’ll tell everyone I know that you’re nothing but a Shifter-whore.”

“Abel, you moron…”

She broke off as two Shifters materialized on either side of Abel. Fergus’s thugs—bald Tattoo Guy and Military Man. Their Collars glinted in the hot sunlight. Military Man wore sunglasses and looked like the Terminator.

“Everything all right, Ms. Fraser?” Tattoo Guy asked.

“Everything’s fine. I’m heading to my car.”

“We’ll walk you there.”

Kim’s heart started to pound. “No need, I can make it.”

Military Man stepped to block Abel, while Tattoo Guy motioned for Kim to go. “Want us to teach him some manners?” Tattoo Guy asked her.

“No, leave him alone,” Kim said. “He’s just a dickhead.”

Tattoo Guy shrugged as if he didn’t care one way or another. Abel beat a retreat into the building, and Kim started for her car, which was only a few feet away. The two of them fell into step beside her.

“When Shifters don’t wear Collars,” Tattoo Guy said, “assholes like that will be wetting themselves to be nice to us.”

Sure. Kim quickened her pace, but she reached the car without incident. The two men didn’t try to grab her or drag her off; in fact, they acted more as though they were protecting her. Whose side were they on? Military Man opened her car door for her, shutting it again once she was settled. “Drive carefully, now.”

“Right,” Kim said as she started up.

“Hey, no one messes with our females,” Military Man said. “You’re Liam’s now.”

She wasn’t sure whether to be reassured or irritated. “Thank you, gentlemen,” she said. “I appreciate your help.”

She firmly rolled up the windows and backed out of her parking space. The two followed her to Shiftertown on their motorcycles, keeping pace with her, again, protectively.