“Mongrels. You sweet talker.”
“I think we’re doing too much of the talking.”
The leg band of her panties moved aside, and strong fingers touched the moisture between her legs.
Kim glanced around. “We’re outside.”
“Are we?” He sounded amazed.
Kim didn’t object to sex, and in college she’d once done it in a car, but that had been late at night in a deserted parking lot. This was broad daylight in the middle of thriving Shiftertown.
Liam leaned down and pressed an openmouthed kiss to her throat, making Kim’s body hotter. She was wet, she was naughty, and she loved it.
Liam drew his tongue up her chin and kissed her mouth. His kissing skills had certainly progressed. He knew how to part her lips, how to stroke his tongue inside her, how to make her mouth tingle.
“This is bad,” she whispered.
“No. It’s good.”
“I want to unbutton your pants right here on the street,” she said. “I’d call that bad.”
“Our notions of bad and good are the exact opposite, then.”
Kim gave in and popped the button of his jeans. His c**k was hard behind his underwear, the tip reaching past the waistband. Kim slid her fingers inside the elastic and grasped the full shaft.
Liam groaned. “You’ve got the touch, love.”
Kim slid her thumb over the crown, and Liam’s fingers moved between her legs. She’d never thought she could get turned on sitting on a wall, but Liam also had the touch. More than the touch. She found herself rocking back, closing her eyes.
“I’m right here, baby.”
He was, all eleven inches of him. Not that she’d measured, but she could guess. She ran her hand along Liam’s penis, gripping it all the way down. He moved his hips, face softening in pleasure.
“Love, you don’t know what you do to me.”
“I have a pretty good idea. I make you stiff and hard, and when I touch you, you want to screw me.”
His eyes were slits. “You’re close.”
“You mean you don’t want to screw me?”
“I mean I want to screw you all the time, whether you’re touching me or not. I want to lift your pretty skirt and do you right now.”
Excitement spiked through her. “Right here on the wall?” she asked in an innocent voice.
“Right here on the wall.”
Liam half stood, and she lost her hold of him. The next thing she knew, his jeans were around his thighs, her underwear was gone, he was sitting on the wall again, and he’d pulled her down to straddle him. Her skirt hid their mutual bareness, but only just.
She opened her mouth to admonish him, but he kissed her. The wicked look in his eyes both excited her and made her want to laugh.
She’d never gone out with a man as in-your-face as Liam. He was a Shifter, restricted and shunned, but he was better at doing whatever he damn well pleased than anyone she’d ever met.
Right now, he was doing her on a wall in the middle of a park. In broad daylight. As he went deep, he pulled her close and kissed her.
Words flew through Kim’s mind, then dissolved. This wasn’t about words. It was feeling, pure, basic, raw feeling.
Liam was opening her like he never had before. The sun on her thighs excited her as much as his hardness inside her, a hardness that stretched and widened her. This was free and wild and strange. Sweat rolled in a bead between her br**sts, and he leaned forward and licked it away.
His breath came fast, and so did hers. Liam’s fingers were hard points on her thighs, then her back, her bu**ocks, her face. He pressed into her, fast, faster, his mouth twisting in pleasure.
Kim’s head dropped back. She bit back her scream, not wanting people to come rushing out to see what was going on. Liam licked between her br**sts again, his breath scalding. “I’m coming,” he whispered into her skin.
So was she. White-hot waves of excitement poured through her, blotting out everything but the feeling of Liam joined to her.
He took her face between his hands. His eyes had gone Shifter, the predator wanting her. Then he gave a strangled groan and shot everything he had into her.
Shaking and sweaty, Kim clasped him to her br**sts and kissed his hair. I love you, Liam, she wanted to whisper, but she kissed his hair again and rested her cheek on his head.
Liam insisted on accompanying her to work, and Kim was fine with that today. Having him next to her in her car, though, his dark sunglasses trained at the world going by, distracted her.
Kim’s body felt warm and supple, aching slightly from having to spread so far for him. Liam caught Kim looking at him, and he reached over and laid his hand on her thigh. He didn’t have to say a word. Kim felt the connection between them, the warmth that wouldn’t go away.
Kim earned a few stares when they walked in. She was: one, late; two, not in a suit; and three, shadowed by her tall Shifter with menacing eyes.
She was starting to dress like a Shifter woman, she realized as she sat down and sorted through her messages. She never came to work outside of a skirt suit, stockings, and black pumps. She’d changed out of the clothes she’d made love in, but had put on another loose skirt and blouse and high-heeled sandals. Clothing easy to remove.
She sensed that the last thing Liam had wanted to do this morning was leave Shiftertown, but he’d been adamant about not letting her go to work alone. Last night he and his father had switched places in Shifter hierarchy, which meant he could go one-on-one with Fergus now—a fight that might end in Liam’s death.