Kim watched him in concern for a few more moments, then snuggled down against him. Liam smiled as he gathered her close, reflecting on the ironies of life. On the one hand, the pain was driving him crazy. On the other, Kim would likely never have draped herself over him if he hadn’t admitted his suffering.

“What about Sean?” she asked. “Is he in pain too?”

“Probably a little, but he didn’t make the kill. He only cleaned up after.”

Kim smoothed his T-shirt over his abdomen. “Why would you do this to yourself? I mean all Shifters. Live with the possibility of this hurting?”

“We had to.” Liam stopped, talking becoming too much of an effort. The pain would recede, probably by tomorrow morning, but he’d have horror to go through first. It wasn’t so bad this time, maybe because he’d been fighting to protect Kim. He’d acted on instinct when he realized she was in danger, not even worrying about the price he’d pay.

“You make me want to kiss you,” Kim said.

His heart beat faster. “What a sweetheart you are. But I don’t kiss.”

She lifted her head. “What are you talking about? You’ve kissed me plenty today.”

On her hair, her neck. Liam moved as his c**k started to harden with memory, even through his pain. “I don’t kiss like humans do, on the lips. I don’t see the point.”

“You mean Shifters don’t kiss at all?” Kim’s eyes narrowed. “Wait a minute, I saw a Shifter kiss his wife in the bar. That was his wife, wasn’t it?”

“You mean Jordie? Yes, she was his mate. I didn’t say all Shifters don’t kiss. I said I don’t. When I’m with a Shifter woman we have other things on our minds.”

“You mean you hump her without intimacies? Figures. Tragic that someone who looks as good as you isn’t interested in the woman’s pleasure.”

The pain receded the slightest bit. “What shite are you talking? There’s plenty of pleasure when I’m with a woman. On both sides.”

“Huh. You don’t even take the time to kiss her.”

“Since you’re not a Shifter woman, you wouldn’t understand. It’s fast and furious, no time for much else.”

Kim shook her head, her curls tickling through his shirt. “You have no idea what you’re missing, Liam.”

“I’ve never been with a human.” Liam liked her face close to his, her scent filling his whole body. “You’re right, I don’t know.”

“All right, then. Hold still.”

Kim knelt beside him. Her jeans tightened against her thighs, and her blouse gaped open, giving him a glimpse of soft breast swelling above lace.

Her scent was driving him crazy. Liam had used protective marking before, but he’d never smelled such a heady mixture as he did now—his scent and Kim’s blended in almost equal parts. As though they belonged together.

Kim’s hesitant fingertips brushed his cheek, her caress so different from her forthright manner and sassy speech. “Am I hurting you?”

She was worried about him, the sweetheart. “The pain’s backing off.”

“That’s good.”

She came close, closer. The warmth of her skin, the scent of it, made Liam’s hard-on throb, his lust start to break through the excruciating pain. Kim’s lashes swept down as she touched her mouth to his upper lip.

Something shook in Liam’s core, and the hurting began to lose the battle. Liam moved his lips in response, clumsily catching her mouth with his.

The satin-smooth slide of Kim’s lips took his breath away. He had kissed in human form before, but they’d been quick, affectionate pecks with friends or female members of the family. He’d never experienced the full sensations of a slow, hot kiss, lips moving and exploring. He cupped Kim’s neck, encouraging her to continue, and nearly jumped off the bed when she thrust her tongue into his mouth.

Kim jerked away. “What? Did I hurt you?”

“No.” Liam laced his fingers behind her neck, under her warm hair. “You surprised me, is all. Is that your way of kissing? I like it.”

“My way? I think it’s everybody’s way. Don’t tell me Shifters don’t French kiss.”

“I’m Irish.”

Her smile was gorgeous. “Well, well, something I know that the all-powerful Shifter-man doesn’t.”

“Let’s try it again. I’m a quick learner.”

Kim cupped his face. “I shouldn’t be doing this.”

“You should. It’s helping me.” Stay with me.

“I can’t get involved with you, and besides, you’re trying to keep me prisoner in your house. Not that you’ll succeed, by the way.”

“It’s for your own safety, love. I’m responsible for what happens to you.”

“I do feel safer here.” It cost her to admit that, Liam could see. “If I were alone in my house right now, I’d be scared. Being attacked by that feral—it was so fast. I always thought I could defend myself, and I suddenly realized I couldn’t.”

Liam kneaded her neck. “Here you don’t have to worry.” He tugged her closer. “Let’s try the French way again.”

Kim wanted to resist—Liam saw hesitation in her eyes. She wanted to say no, to pull away, to walk out. He also sensed her wanting. She craved to be touched, and she thought he was harmless, sitting here in so much pain it made his teeth ache. Never mind that she was mostly right.