Connor gave Liam one last squeeze, then backed off, wiping his eyes. Dylan was the last to leave. He held Liam’s arms and looked straight into his eyes.
“Are you all right, Liam?”
“I will be.”
“I know you will. You’ve been moving toward this moment all your life. It’s yours now.”
Liam put his hands on his father’s shoulders. “With you at my back, Dad, there’s nothing we can’t do.”
Dylan relaxed, as though he’d still been waiting for Liam’s acceptance. “I’ll be there.” He pulled Liam down to him and pressed a kiss to Liam’s forehead. He finally turned away, eyes full.
Liam reached for Kim’s hand. “Are you all right? Did I hurt you, love?”
“I’m resilient.” Kim kissed his lips, and Liam crushed her to him in a long, satisfying hug. “Let’s go home,” she whispered.
“Are you up to the walk?” Sean asked, handing Liam his clothes.
Liam hugged his T-shirt and jeans to his chest and looked around at the assembly, a hint of the old glint in his eye. “Are you telling me that none of you thought to bring wheels?”
“No,” Connor said. “As soon as the storm let up, we ran out here.”
“What, you were thinking you’d trundle me back in a wheelbarrow, all hurt and bloody? This is the planning of my friends and family.”
“I’ll run and get my car,” Kim said. “There isn’t room for everyone, but that’s all right. I can take Liam home, at least.”
Liam gripped her wrist. “No. Don’t go yet.”
His eyes were desperate. Kim gave him a reassuring smile and a little hug. “I won’t leave you.”
Glory swayed forward. She was wearing sturdy boots for once, though they had three-inch heels. “I’ll get it.” She plucked the keys out of Kim’s fingers and gave Kim a big tooth-filled smile. “I’ll take good care of it. Promise.”
Liam lay in his bed in heavy sleep next to Kim for about four hours after they got home. Then he woke up, threw back the covers, and declared he needed to go to the bar.
“What for?” Kim demanded, not liking the absence of his warmth in the small bed.
“I’ve taken too many days off. The paperwork in the office must be a mess.”
Liam stopped in the act of leaning over for his pants, his delectable backside in full view. “I’m all right, love. Shifters heal fast.”
Maybe their bodies did. “Why do you work at the bar at all? You don’t seem to live paycheck to paycheck. And how did Fergus afford all that artwork in his basement? How did he even afford that huge basement?”
Liam sat back down, his eyes a mystery. “Shifters live a long time. We accumulate things.”
“Like money and Old Masters paintings?”
“Like money and Old Masters paintings. Which Dad thinks should be sold to a museum.”
“How are you going to explain where you got them?”
“We won’t.” Liam reached for his jeans again and pulled them up. “There are dealers who will work with us discreetly.”
Kim sat cross-legged against the headboard. “Before I came down here the first time, I thought I knew every little thing about Shifters. I didn’t know jack, did I?”
“No.” Liam’s smile flashed in the harsh lamplight. “I thought I knew all about humans. You taught me so much.” He stopped. “I’m going to miss you, love.”
Kim’s heart skipped a beat, then gave a hard bang. “What do you mean, ‘miss me’?”
Liam sank to the bed again, one blue-jeaned leg folded under him. The red gashes on his torso had closed, the heavy bruising already fading. A dark swirl of hair covered his chest and pointed to his navel, the indentation into which she’d slid her finger the night he’d first brought her up to his room.
“I want you to go home,” he said. “Go back to living your own life.”
She stared. “Hold on. For days you insist I stay here, whether I like it or not. Tonight, after all that’s happened, not to mention the incredible sex, you’re telling me to go?”
“Fergus is dead. His followers have gone home. His threat is removed. No one will be taking off any more Shifter Collars.”
“You sound very sure.”
“I am sure. I lead the clan now, which means our pride is now first. No other Shifter will dare harm you, whether they approve of you or not. My protection is on you, and no other Shifter can override that.”
Kim slid out of bed. She wasn’t wearing anything, but at the moment, it didn’t seem important. “What about this mate thing? That’s all gone now too?”
Liam smiled. “That will never be gone. We’ve been mated under the sun and moon, the mating recognized by the clan. We’ll always be mated.”
“So what does that mean?”
“For Shifters, it means I take no other mate. For humans, it means—nothing. A Shifter mating isn’t valid in the human world; it’s not marriage. I remember you telling me that.”
“I meant, what does it mean to you?”
Liam looked away. “It means everything to me.”
“Then why are you telling me to leave?”
Liam got to his feet, looked across the bed at her. “Because you can’t stay. You’ve tried to pound it into my brain all this time why you can’t. I’m a Shifter. I can love you with everything I’ve got, but I’ll ruin you, and you know it. You’ll lose your job, your friends, your respectability. I’m from the wrong side of the tracks, darling. Not from your world.”