Kim wanted to succumb to the wonderful, protected feeling of having his arms around her. Even her parents hadn’t been this protective of her. After Mark had died, they’d wavered between being overly paranoid about her safety to backing way off when they realized they were smothering her.

They’d gone on like that until they’d died. She’d found herself alternately on a choke chain or floundering during her parents’ “you don’t even have to check in with us” moods.

Liam’s protection was like a soft blanket, not a leash, but the tether was there nonetheless.

“I can’t work like this,” Kim said.

“We’ll find a way.” Liam kissed the crown of her head.

The warm touch of his lips electrified the memories of their lovemaking, reminding her that her throat was still scratchy from all the screaming. She couldn’t help putting her hand on his waistband and sliding her fingers downward, her pulse speeding when she found that he was hard and hot behind his zipper.

Liam laughed. “Vixen.” He tilted her head back and kissed her.

Liam was still learning how to kiss. Which meant he experimented and explored, his tongue sliding all over hers while he gripped her bu**ocks with one firm hand. He tasted like the gum he’d been chewing, minty fresh.

If anyone came in, they’d see his sun-browned hand planted against her gray business skirt, Kim letting a Shifter put his tongue down her throat. And they wouldn’t know the half of it.

“Stop,” she whispered. “Don’t do this to me.”

A gentle kiss to her forehead. “I’d never hurt you, Kim.”

“It’s not pain I’m worried about.” Kim rested her head against his chest. His skin was hot through the shirt, his heart pounding at breakneck speed. “It’s me.”

“You’re not making sense.”

“I know what I mean. You are seriously damaging my mental health.”

Liam broke away, but he was smiling. “You mean I make you spare.”

“If that means crazy, then yes. That too.”

There was a soft knock on the door, and Jeanne poked her head in. She carried in a tray of coffee, in real mugs, not Styrofoam cups. Kim turned from Liam, hoping she looked nonchalant.

Jeanne set the coffee on the polished side table. “Abel is looking for you.”

“Abel?” For one crazy moment, Kim couldn’t remember who he was. Ah, yes, buttoned-up, executive ex-boyfriend. The man who looked incredibly boring next to Liam. “What does he want?”

“To ask you about the judge you had on that indecent exposure case. He’s got a similar case before the same judge.”

“Oh.” Business. Tips on what swayed a judge or pissed him off. Kim had won the case, because the man they’d arrested had had erectile dysfunction, verified by a doctor, when the witness had sworn the defendant had been quite, um, pointed. “Set up a meeting with Abel,” Kim finished. “I’m busy until tomorrow.”

“He’s here now.”

Before Kim could answer, Abel Kane pushed around the door and strode into the office. Kim had always thought him good-looking—tall, blond, well-dressed—but he was a lightweight compared to Liam. And there was no comparison at all in the sex department.

“Can’t this wait?” Kim asked him.

Abel was looking at Liam in curiosity. “Kind of in a rush.”

Liar. He couldn’t be paid to care about indecent-exposure cases; he’d used the excuse to come in here and eyeball Liam.

“Why?” Kim asked in an annoyed voice. “Client can’t keep his pants on?”

Abel ignored her attempt at humor. “So the Collars really do fit all Shifters. What neck size would you say he has?”

“He can hear you, Abel.”

Liam gave Abel his slow smile. “Top o’ the morning to you.”

“Will you stop that?” Kim snapped.

“Is he Irish?” Abel said in surprise. “I didn’t know Shifters could be Irish.”

“The Shifters in my family go back generations in Ireland,” Liam said. “We had a castle on a hill and everything.”

Abel continued to assess Liam like a scientist examining an interesting specimen. “Type up a report on him,” Abel said to Kim. “It would be useful if we ever have to defend another Shifter.”

“Abel, will you please stop talking about him like he’s not in the room?”

“What’s eating you, Kim? Is it the new guy you met or your time of the month?”

What an idiot. Abel hadn’t connected Kim “meeting someone” with the extremely virile Shifter standing in her office. Abel couldn’t imagine for one second that she’d dump him for a Shifter.

Liam’s grin died. He’d been taking Abel for what he really was, a self-centered moron, but Liam’s eyes narrowed at Abel’s last statement. The predatory thing Liam did so well came out, proving that up until now, he’d been a wolf watching the sheep frolic.

“The lady said she’s busy.” Liam’s voice held a hint of growl.

Without moving, Liam gained the attention of everyone in the room, plus Jeanne listening outside the door. A sheen of perspiration glistened on Abel’s forehead.

“Right. I’ll call you later, Kim. About that judge.”

Abel couldn’t turn around to walk out. Liam wouldn’t let him. And yet, Liam did nothing but stand there, not moving, not touching the man. He hadn’t even let his pupils go slitted.