“Sure, why not?”

Dylan answered. “Because your neighbors might object to you with a houseful of Shifters. Police might be called.”

“It’s not against the law for a human to invite over Shifters. Unusual, maybe. And anyway, we’ll go in through the garage and no one will see us.”

“’Twould be an imposition we can’t ask,” Dylan said, his tone holding finality.

Connor made a frustrated noise. Liam sympathized with his frustration but for a different reason. He’d pictured taking Kim to Shiftertown and locking them both in his bedroom for three days. But he understood that Kim was offering this hospitality to try to make up for Fergus dragging Connor into this mess—a mess she thought she’d caused.

Kim didn’t know that the mess with Fergus was ongoing, that the incident today was a drop in the vast ocean of their struggle with the clan leader. Fergus had gotten what he’d wanted—control of Kim and how she managed Brian’s case. Or so Fergus believed. Kim hadn’t said anything after Fergus had given her his “terms.” She’d scowled but kept her lips pressed together, which Liam didn’t think boded well. Fergus seriously underestimated Kim if he thought she’d simply fall into line.

However, in theory, now Fergus could threaten Liam and the rest of the Morrisseys if Kim didn’t cooperate. Plus Fergus’s capitulation had made him look generous to the rest of the clan—he’d been unwilling to stand between a Shifter and his true mate. Wasn’t that noble of him?

“But trying to hold me prisoner in Shiftertown isn’t an imposition?” Kim demanded. “I’m driving the car, and we’re going to my house so Connor can watch Irish football.”

Connor hooted with joy and kissed Kim’s cheek. “I love you, Kim. I’m so glad Liam claimed you.”

Kim looked startled but said nothing. Connor thumped happily back in his seat, and Dylan made a “Whatever” gesture.

Of course, Liam thought as the Austin exits started to glide by, Kim’s house also had a bedroom.

An hour later, Kim had four Shifters in her living room avidly watching guys in shorts running across a soccer field in rainy Ireland.

I could grow to like this game, Kim thought. No helmets or padding, just tight-fitting shirts, enticing glimpses of chest hair, and socks and shorts that emphasized muscular legs.

Not that the Shifters gave a damn what the men looked like. Not five minutes into the game, they were shouting and cheering, cursing or high-fiving. At least Sean and Connor were. Dylan watched with interest if not enthusiasm, and Liam restlessly left the room and followed Kim to the kitchen.

“You made them very happy.” Liam leaned on the counter while Kim looked at her mostly empty refrigerator. She wasn’t equipped to entertain men, that was certain. No beer, no chips, or whatever men chowed down on when they watched sports. She was pretty sure Abel watched sports, but she’d never caught him doing it.

“They won’t be happy when they get hungry.”

“They won’t care.” Liam slid his arms around her from behind. “Now, about that shower?”

“Liam. Your dad’s in the living room.”

“And likely to stay while the game’s going. Your bathroom’s upstairs, if I remember.” He kissed her neck under her hair.

“It’s true I’d like to take a look at your back again.”

“Just my back?” Liam nuzzled her cheek. “Damn, woman, have mercy on a poor Shifter.”

He licked her neck, his tongue hot and wet. Kim closed her eyes, a shiver traveling from her breastbone to the cleft between her legs.

He wanted sex, and she knew it. Wanted it, craved it, and wasn’t ashamed of it. Kim couldn’t lie to herself. She wanted Liam back, with her whole body.

The crowd on TV roared, and Sean, Connor, and even Dylan were on their feet, shouting. Through the open door to the living room, Kim saw Sean and Connor slam together in a joyful hug.

Liam nipped Kim’s ear. “Let’s go upstairs.”

“You can’t be real. There’s sports on TV, and you want to go off with a woman instead.”

He slanted her a hot smile. “What you call soccer isn’t my thing. Now if it had been Gaelic football…” He laughed. Kim had no idea what the difference was, but she liked the sound of his laughter.

Liam took Kim’s hand and led her to the staircase. As they ascended, the others continued to relive the glory moment of the goal.

Kim’s main bathroom was huge—when she’d gone through her redecorating frenzy, she’d combined a hall bathroom with the master bath for one giant bathroom fest. She had a two-person tub in the middle, a large stone-tiled shower on one end, and a gigantic vanity on the other.

“You put a refrigerator and a TV in here, and you’d never have to leave,” Liam said.

“Funny. Get your shirt off.”

Liam skimmed his T-shirt over his head faster than she could blink. His chest rose with his quick breath, strong bone and muscle under tight, smooth skin. Dark hair curled across his chest to his abdomen. His Collar gleamed, the black and silver links moving with his skin. It might be a symbol of his captivity, but Liam standing with bare torso, jeans riding low on his hips, and the chain around his neck was sexier than any male model could ever hope to be.

Kim wanted to touch every one of his muscles, trace them from shoulders to spine, pausing at his backside to spend a little time there.