“Who the hell is Fergus?”

“The leader of the South Texas clan,” Liam answered. “Dad thinks you should have a hearing with him. I don’t agree.”

“Why not? Maybe this Fergus will see reason.”

“Fergus? Reason?” Liam wanted to laugh. He thought about the big man with the long black braid, the thugs he surrounded himself with. Fergus hadn’t been happy when Kim managed to get Brian a jury trial. He’d wanted Brian to plead guilty and be done, the human prodding into Shifter business over. Liam still didn’t understand why Fergus was so ready to wash his hands of Brian, but Brian had been ready to obey.

Until Kim had persuaded Brian to fight. Of course she had. Kim was a fighter. Fergus had been livid when he learned Brian had a competent defense attorney.

“He’s dangerous, Kim,” Liam said, his voice sharp with worry. “All Shifters are dangerous, Fergus especially so. You shouldn’t have come to see me at all.”

“I owe it to my client to try to help him get free.”

“And now you know too damned much.”

“Keep it quiet, Liam,” Dylan growled. “I can contain this, but not if the neighbors hear you…”

Kim looked wildly out the window to the house next door. “What? What happens if the neighbors hear?”

“They might go to Fergus,” Sean said. “We might not be able to stop them. We’re your best protection.”

“You can’t keep me here.” She had good lung power for such a small woman.

“We can and we will,” Dylan said, eyes glittering. “We protect the clan.”

Connor looked distressed. “Stop it, Grandda’. You’re scaring her. She’s going to think we’re all crazy.”

She’d not be far from wrong, Liam thought. Kim quivered with rage and fear, and Liam felt the overwhelming need to put his arms around her and soothe her. She needed to be held in the same way he and Sean had held Sandra, calming her nerves, easing her worry.

Holding Kim would calm Liam as well. His adrenaline was wearing off—he could tell by the dull buzzing in his head. Very soon now, he’d start to pay the price for killing the feral Shifter. Sean didn’t look as bad, but then Sean hadn’t fought; he’d only dispatched the feral’s soul.

“Keeping you here is the safest thing,” Liam said to Kim. “If Fergus thinks we have you under control, he won’t send anyone to make sure you are.”

Kim’s anger would have knocked a weaker man sideways. She’d started to trust Liam, and now she felt betrayed. “Under control?”

“Kim, love, when I said I’d protect you, I meant it. That means from everyone, my own father or my clan leader if necessary. If you go home tonight, Fergus will send Shifters after you. I’d have to stay with you, bodyguard you day and night.” Liam ran a finger along her chin. “Not that I’d find that a bad thing.”

Kim stared at him without softening. He wished he could make her understand that she’d put herself in danger the minute she’d taken Brian’s case. Dylan and Fergus had argued long and hard when Kim had sent word she wanted to talk to Liam, and now Kim was in greater peril than ever.

Someone banged on the front door, and Liam caught a scent of Lupine overlaid with a large dose of Oscar de la Renta.

Sean rolled his eyes. “Perfect. She’s all we’re needing.”

“Your door’s locked,” a woman’s voice called through the wood.

“Let her in, Sean,” Dylan said, resigned.

“About time.” A tall woman dressed head to toe in black walked in when Sean opened the door. She wore tight pants and a sleeveless silk shirt and had folded her blonde hair into an intricate French braid. Silver high-heeled sandals studded with rhinestones completed her outfit. “Why’d you lock the door? You never lock it.” She fixed white-blue eyes on Kim. “Who’s this human woman, and why are you all yelling?”

The newcomer was lithe, with athletic grace, the kind of female Kim had despised when struggling with teen self-esteem. This Shifter lady could be a model for a fashion doll, except that she exuded personality with a capital P. Even her Collar gleamed.

Liam, Sean, and Connor viewed her with irritation. Dylan looked downright uncomfortable and avoided her gaze. Interesting.

The woman put a long-fingered hand on one hip. “I’m getting into bed when I hear my big cat neighbors trying to calm down a shouting woman. What am I supposed to think?” She pinned Kim with her predatory stare. “What are you doing to them, honey?”

Kim looked the woman up and down, pretending she wasn’t unnerved. “That’s what you wear to bed?”

“Depends on who’s in it with me.” The woman’s gaze slid sideways to Dylan, who pretended not to notice. “Who is she?”

“None of your business, Glory,” Connor tried.

Of all of them, Connor seemed to be the most oblivious to her overt sexuality. But then, if this Glory had something going on with Dylan, his grandfather, Connor would probably think her impossibly old. Even if she looked thirty at most. Damn, Shifters had good genes.

Glory sniffed the air, nostrils flaring. “Liam’s scent-marked her. I never knew your tastes ran to humans, Liam.”

Liam slid an arm around Kim’s waist, and Kim wished it didn’t feel so good there. “I’m protecting her from nosy Shifters.”

“Sure you are.” Glory’s light blue gaze moved up and down Kim with too much perception. “But who protects you from her?”