I flop onto the bed, cover my head with a pillow and shout into the void.
Two days later,Vander and I get home from another long, tiring day at court.
This thing seems to be going on for forever.
I make dinner, we eat, we watch our favorite show. I’ve got him hooked on theGreat British Baking Show.
While we're sitting next to each other on the couch, we end up kind of close. I look over. He's still not wearing a shirt. I can't believe how good he looks.
He glances over at me and his gaze drops to my chest and then away.
Okay, I admit I'm trying. It’s true my pajamas are a bit skimpy. He did say, though, that nothing was going to happen. Nothing is going to happen.
A growl rumbles in his chest. “You are trying to entice me.”
“No,” I say, “it's not me, it's you. Look at you. You're not even wearing a shirt. And”—I point at his tented crotch—“don't think I can't see that. It can be seen from space.”
He grins. “Again, you are also dressed in much less clothing than you normally would be. You are causing this reaction in me.”
I shrug. “I'm just playing catch-up with you, because, again, you never wear a shirt.”
“No male on my planet wears a shirt. This is how we all dress. I'm not doing anything unusual.”
“But you need to conform more to customs here on this planet. Right?”
He crosses his powerful arms. “No. I do not.”
I laugh. “Okay, fine.” And I scoot a little closer to him.
We watch the rest of the episode and then start a second episode.
Eventually, I can't handle it anymore. I'm squirming in my chair and my clit is literally throbbing. “I'm going to bed,” I say.
Vander stands. “I am too.”
I look at him again and I wish we were going to bed together. I can't even hold his hand. I can't even give him a kiss, and he can't do the same for me. My nipples are always at attention and I’m constantly hot between the thighs. I end up masturbating each night just to fall asleep, thinking of Vander. And it’s still not enough.
I don't remember ever feeling this attracted to anyone ever, not even Brett.
Sometimes I look back on our relationship, and I think a lot of it might have been me trying to be loyal, or that I told my family that he was the one, and I had gone through the bother to move to a totally different town in a different college, they’d all told me I was wrong. My sister and brother made fun of me, and how could I go back and tell them I was wrong? I'm sure I stuck it out longer than I should have, at least for the four years to finish my degree, because having to switch colleges and move back would have been embarrassing.
I go into my bedroom and close the door. I lean against the door, wishing, and I listen, and I hear the click of his door too.
What is he doing in there. Does he take off his pants? Does he switch into pajama pants? Does he take off his clothes entirely and sleep naked? What does he look like naked?
I haven't seen him take a shower, but he smells clean. He must get up early because he's always done these whole two weeks before I get up, so we don't have to use the bathroom at the same time in the mornings. I mean, he uses the bathroom during the day, and I do too, but you know, and on the weekend, we spend even more time together.
He leaves a lot, though, because he says he's got reconnaissance to do. He does that on the weekend. He gets everything set up, and then he meets with his other coworkers in the security firm that he works with, but just for a short while, because he says, Well, I still have to stay with you onthe weekend, because this is when actually you're most exposed, because at least during the rest of the time, You spend the majority of your time in the courthouse, but now this is when someone could get you.
I close the door and that's when the rain starts. Fall has officially started. Yet another cold, rainy day in San Francisco.
I hear a scratch and a pound against my window, and I shriek with fear.
And then he's there suddenly. I can't believe Vander got there so quick, and he's holding a blaster.
“I’m okay.”
He rushes toward the window and throws it open and he's out the window.