Hunters are known for their protective instincts with mates. Already I feel a heightened sense of urgency to keep her safe than ever before.
I continue with my job, watching her every movement from the jury room and inside the courtroom. I use my screen to communicate with my team at Spartan Shield, who help me with human tech and keep me updated on what is going on with these strange human legal customs.
I feel more invested in the outcome of this assignment than ever before.
This trial is ridiculous. On my home planet this male who is called the “defendant” would already be in prison for causing potential harm to a juror, but here on Earth he’s out free on thestreets and amid what they call a “civil trial.” He will instead be either let go at the end of this trial or charged large amounts of currency to make up for his illegal actions. It is nonsensical to me, but I have no say in this matter. I am here to keep Katie safe and that is what I will do.
I watch her closely while she listens to the evidence and writes down notes so she doesn’t miss any details. She is gorgeous and fascinating and I feel pride that a female of this obvious worth would find me attractive.
And I want to know everything about her.
Hours later,after accompanying her to a food store so she can purchase more ingredients to make a large meal, I find myself eating dinner with her again.
Her home is now fully protected so I feel more comfortable than I did when I first arrived. I find I like the location and the layout of the house. It is not too big or too small and has an interesting view out the front windows. Sitting at the small kitchen table with Katie and eating the food she lovingly prepares for the two of us is enjoyable. It reminds me of meals with my family back home.
And this time I ask personal questions. “Have you always lived in this human city?”
She blinks with surprise, wipes her mouth with a napkin and answers, “I’m considered the black sheep of my family because I left and instead of going to Stanford, like my brother and older sister, I instead moved away and went to a smaller college in the middle of the state.”
I take another bite of the tasty meal she has made called beef kabobs and rice pilaf. “This decision was bad?”
“When you live in the Bay Area and have the opportunity to go to someplace like Stanford, and instead choose to moveout and go to Fresno State because you’re following a guy, it’s considered stupid.”
“Did it turn out bad?”
“I enjoyed my time there. It was a nice place to live and a good school. At first, I didn’t know the area or anyone besides my boyfriend, but I stayed the whole time and graduated with a degree in Psychology. I made new friends. It taught me that I can make it on my own, apart from my family, and accomplish things I never thought I’d be able to do. I even thought of staying there to live, but then my fiancé broke up with me and became engaged to a friend of mine so… I left and returned home. My family was happy, but I’m still embarrassed by the whole thing. I thought he loved me, but I was wrong.”
“He made a mating commitment to you and then broke that and took another?”
“Yep. And it’s not like he formally broke up with me and then got together with my friend later. I found them doing it in our bed when I walked in on them, coming back from a trip early. I lost not only one person who was important to me, but two. Two people who I thought cared about me and who I could trust, but I couldn’t. I felt all alone. But that was a few years ago and I’ve moved on.”
A growl rumbles in my throat. I decide to tell her an important aspect of my species that I think she will find comforting. “The Zagwa mate for life.”
“Your species stay with each other, forever?”
“Yes. We have pleasure mates before mating, but once we bond with our true mate, that’s it, there is no other for us.”
“Are you telling me that because of what happened to me before? You’re saying that it wouldn’t be the same with someone like you?”
“If our pheromones were to become mingled, then I would be unable to have sex with anyone else because my body will become physically attached to you.”
“Oh wow… you’re telling me you can’t cheat.” She pauses and meets my gaze. “Why are you telling me this?”
I take a deep breath and tell her the truth. “Because I have feelings for you that are unprofessional.”
“Really?” She chuckles. “Unprofessional?”
I frown and my gaze drops to the outline of her chest and back up to her beautiful features. “Very unprofessional.”
Her gaze drops too, to my bare chest and then seems to settle on my lips. “I was wondering…because I have feelings for you too that are unprofessional. It’s good to hear that I’m not the only one.”
“You are not the only one. This is most unusual. As I said before, I do not behave like this with clients. My relationships are strictly business so I can concentrate on my one hundred percent success rate of keeping my clients safe during assignment. But I am considering trying to mate with you when this court case is over and you are no longer my client. If this is acceptable to you.”
She smiles brightly. “Oh yes, it sounds acceptable to me, but…” She pouts. “Not before it’s over? Are you sure we need to wait that long?”
I shake my head. “No, not before. I never have relations with a client because it would be?—”
Her chair scoots closer to mine. “Unprofessional?”