She glances at my chest again. “Do you still wear all those weapons in this house day and night?”

“I take most of them off to sleep.”

She bites her lip and I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to hold her in my arms and taste those lips.

“I’m going to work now,” I announce.

I spendtime on my hand-held glass screen. I communicate with Spartan Shield’s tech experts and with the local law enforcement in this large city. Soon, I’ve got tomorrow’s schedule and the route cleared. Katie Ross will get to her jury duty each day safely.

The sun goes down and I leave the domicile for another check of the streets and the perimeter of this domicile. I can move faster and quieter than any human. My sense of smell and eyesight are better and I have night vision. On the roof, I catch a scent in the wind that reminds me of my childhood, in the rocky mist of Zagwa, amongst my clan. We lived next to the ocean and this is where I was raised to hunt, like my ancestors.

The weather at this location on this remote planet is pleasant.

My clan hunted the far reaches of Zagwa for millennia, but now, in modern times when we reach adulthood, we are sent away to the main cities to learn and use our hunting instincts for something other than to take down prey to eat. My clan have the best instincts. And now here I am, using my skills to protect a human on the planet Earth.

I take a deep breath, feeling calmer now that I know the female I protect can sleep safely and that she will be protected this evening, by me.

I go back inside and discover that Katie Ross is placing a meal on the table for us to eat.

“Oh good, you’re back. Dinner is ready. Sit down. I hope you like it.”

The food does look pleasant and I am indeed hungry. I should decline and retreat to my bedroom because eating with her is risky. I am close again and this time I can see that she is wearing different clothing than before and somehow she looks even better. Her hair is down and her face looks brighter. She smells better than she did earlier and she wears clothing that allows me an even better idea of the shape of her curves.

I sit down and prop a blaster on the floor next to me and then place a large knife on the table.

“Do you really need that many weapons?”

“I do.”

“I went a little crazy and decided to save the slow cooker meal as meal prep for later. I want ahead and made us homemade pizza for tonight. I hope you like it. I’m really into pizza. I made the dough and I even have a little pizza oven I was given for Christmas this last year, because everyone knows I love pizza that much.”

“Peez-uh?” I repeat. “I’ve never heard of it.”

“Pizza,” she says. “It’s one of the most famous foods on Earth, basically universally loved.” And then she places a small plate in front of me which holds a round bread with melted food substances on top. It smells amazing.

She places another plate of similar food at her seat and sits down. “I already cut it into slices for you. We both have cheese pizza with fresh basil. I didn’t want to go crazy with toppings until I knew you liked pizza in the first place.”

I watch as she uses her fingers to take out a portion in her hands. She explains the ingredients and then takes a large bite. I mimic her moves and take a large bite myself. A wonderful tasteexplodes in my mouth. The warmth, the savory flavor and the mush of the “melted cheese” is an amazing combination.

I furiously eat the whole slice.

She smiles at me. “I’m happy you like it.”

Soon I’ve eaten the whole thing.

“No worries, I can make more.”

I wait impatiently for the next “pizza” and eat the whole plate again.

Katie giggles with delight at how I “love pizza.” She takes another bite of her own meal. “I’m twenty-seven,” she announces. “How old are you?”

“I’m thirty-two.”

“That’s a good age.”

A rare chuckle escapes from my lips. “Why?”

“Well, for humans it’s a good age. On my planet men mature slower than women, so if you’re a bit older than the woman in a relationship, then it makes you almost even in maturity. But of course, that’s just my opinion. Lots of older women get together with much younger men and it works perfectly. It’s just…I had a bad break-up with my boyfriend who was a year younger than me and I think part of the problem was that even though he was only a year younger, he was very immature.”