Page 32 of The Don's Soulmate

“There is no way in hell that I would place myself in your clutches again.” I turn to look over my shoulder at him, making sure he can see me scowling. We are covered by the shady leaves of the old tree. My family can’t see me disrespecting our “guest”.

Ugo abruptly stops the swing and grabs my hands where they’re holding the ropes. He moves closer, so close that the front of his pants press into my back. I immediately try to arch away from him, but he just shuffles closer. Flashbacks of last night in the alley paralyze me; making me unable to move or speak.

He bends down and speaks into my ear, his voice ominously low. “You will soon learn, my dear Carlotta, that there are worse things than hell, right here on this earth.”

As abruptly as he halted the swing, he straightens up and gives it a strong push, then another. I cling to the ropes.

“I haven’t thanked you for the lovely engagement gift you sent me, yet. I must say, your art collection is impressive. What a pity if something were to happen to them.”

I stop breathing at his words. Ugo continues to push me; forceful and rough.

“You certainly know more about these things than I do, my dear. I can only assume that, even if a fire didn’t completely destroy the basement where they are kept, the damage from heat and smoke, not to mention the water from any firefighting efforts, would be substantial and most likely irreparable?”

My face distorts into an ugly mask of anguish.Does his cruelty know no bounds?

“I think it prudent to discuss how to prevent such a disaster, my dear? Say, over dinner?”

My stomach churns at the notion of being tethered to this creature for life, but now is not the time to push back. It is true, all that art lies with Ugo. I painstakingly collected each piece, investing every last penny mother left me. All I own are those pieces and a modest sum in the bank.

“You will go back in there and tell them you are sorry for last night, and that you will be happy to accompany me out tonight,” Ugo hisses through gritted teeth.

I don’t answer. Instead, I dig my heels in, halting this twisted game, and stride across the lawn back to the house. This time, Ugo takes his time, only hurrying to catch up to me as I reach the top step of the patio. He grabs my elbow tightly, but I don’t grant him a single look.

"Alright," I whisper, the word tasting bitter on my tongue. "I'll do my best to leave behind what happened and move forward."

“Good,” Ugo says, and leads me back into the room. When we enter, Papa and Angelo expect us.

“Gentlemen, Carlotta has decided she is ready to embrace the role of a don’s wife, after all. It seems that the beautiful Giana, may her soul rest in peace, did not entirely fail in preparing your daughter for the responsibilities of this life.”

At the mention of my mother, a fleeting look of abhorrence crosses Papa’s face, vanishing almost as quickly as it appeared. Discovering that there is still a remnant of humanity in his soul somehow gives me the strength to continue with what must bedone now. "I think dinner tonight would be a good idea. It will give us an opportunity to get to know each other better before the wedding," I say, in a robotic tone..

"Excellent," Ugo says, his oily smile making my skin crawl. "Now, off you go,” he waves me away with a dismissive flick of his hand. “I’m sure you have things to occupy your day. We men have a few more arrangements to discuss here."

“Of course,” I murmur, bowing my head before turning to leave. Relief washes over me as I escape his oppressive presence, but a cold claw grips my heart. My future, it seems, is no longer mine to control.

There has to be something I can do.I head back to my room. Instead of choosing an outfit, I begin plotting. If I could retrieve those pieces of art, I would not only escape his manipulations, but I would have financial options.

I could sell them to museums or private collectors. I could buy my way out of this country, to a place where my father or Ugo can’t find me.

But there’s no simple way for me to get hold of those pieces. Ugo would have them hidden somewhere safe.

I consider calling Sofia. Even if she can’t help, at least I can share my burden. As I wait for her to pick up, a thought crosses my mind. There’s one tactic that might work on this seedy, greedy billionaire, and Sofia’s contacts could be the key.

For the first time since my return from Paris, there’s a wide grin on my face.

Chapter 14

Ugo Caputo

The heavy brass knocker thuds against the heavy wood of the door, echoing through the early evening like a gunshot. Salvatore D'Amici welcomes me himself. He smiles wearily, and I hold back a chuckle. The old man is nervous, but he’s trying to hide it. I take in his posture, straight-backed and shoulders squared, clearly attempting to maintain an air of authority.

But I know better. Had he been confident about this deal, he would have sent his men to escort me in. He needs this deal; even willing to marry off his only daughter to make it happen. After all, it isn’t easy to come by billions overnight. How ironic though, that I stand to gain the most from this merger.

"Ugo," he greets me, his voice strained. "It's good to see you again."

"Likewise, Salvatore," I reply, stepping inside the lavish home without waiting for an invitation. Angelo stands behind his father. I nod in his direction as I pass him for the living room. The father and son duo follow right behind.

“A drink, Ugo?” Salvatore offers. “While my daughter gets dressed?”