Ten minutes. Fifteen minutes. Thirty minutes later, and I know he’s had to have seen it. I look at the clock and realize it’s almost time to go home for the weekend.
Maybe it’s for the best.
As I grab my things and turn off my computer, there’s a knock at the door.
“Come in.”
I stand at the side of my desk, my keys in one hand and briefcase in the other.
“You asked me to come speak with you,” Adrian says, eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of concern.
Now that time has passed, I’m backing down on my idea. I probably shouldn’t bring it up. I can just make up something else.
The door clicks behind Adrian, and he leans against it, his eyes traveling the length of my body.
I inhale through my nose, my mind lost in filthy thoughts and sinful desires.
“I booked a suite. There’s two bedrooms.”
His head lifts marginally, eyes widening only a little bit. “Oh.”
“It’s pretty spacious.”
He stands up straight, hands coming out of his pockets so he can cross his arms over his chest.
“There are early speeches, and if you want breakfast, you’ll need to be up even earlier. It’s easier to stay on location.”
“Right,” he says, not giving me any indication about what he’s thinking.
“And like I said, we’d have our own rooms. Separated by a living room.”
“Right,” he says again. “Okay. Yeah. Can I let you know?”
I nod. “Sure.”
I start walking toward him and he moves away from the door, eyes on me.
I stop, angling my head over my shoulder. We’re so close. Inches separate his face from mine.
“It’s not a good idea, is it?”
My tongue wets my bottom lip as I stare at him. “Probably not.”
He nods once and I leave.
The daybefore we’re scheduled to fly out to Vegas, I’m in my backyard, ripping up weeds from the garden and mowing the grass. Once I’m done in the back, I remove my sweat-soaked shirt and wipe my face with it before tossing it on the patio table and then moving to the front yard.
I’m halfway into cutting the grass when Adrian’s wife pulls into their driveway. I keep my head down and try to ignore her, but she’s clearly ready to introduce herself, and I can’t ignore her when she walks over, waving her hand in the air.