Page 83 of His Secret

My spine stiffens, not used to the post-coital cuddling. Cuddling in general, really. But then I open my eyes and see him snuggling in close, and I drape my arm over his as he rests his head on my shoulder.

I smile, and then I fall asleep.



When I wake up,it’s to an empty bed and the sun shining in my face. I squint as I look around the room, but when I don’t see any sign of Matías, I throw the covers off of me and get out of bed.

When I walk into the living room, I spot him pacing back and forth in front of the main door with the phone against his ear. He turns and sees me, giving me a quick grin before speaking again.

“No, that’s not right. The project is due November 15th.”

I keep making my way to my bathroom where I brush my teeth and think about the events of last night.

Everything that happened was incredible. My heart feels full for the first time in a while. It was almost like I had been cut off from any sort of familiarity, and then finally came home.

I rinse out my mouth before taking a piss, then I turn the hot water on in the shower and head to my room. It’s our last day here, so I find something casual to put on, and then check my discarded phone.

It’s almost dead since I never plugged it in last night, butit has several missed calls and text messages. Mostly from my dad and Charlotte.

Charlotte’s are just check-ins and wanting to know when my flight gets in. My father’s are demands to call him back.

I click on the thread of messages between Charlotte and I, my heart feeling heavy in my chest.

Hey, I’m fine. Late night last night. It’s my final day here, and I’ll be on a plane tomorrow at eleven-fifteen. That should put me home around four when you add in the drive.

I drop the phone back on the bed and make my way into the shower. As the water rains over me, I try to come up with a plan.

Charlotte and I aren’t meant to be together. I think she knows that, too, but now she’s relying on me. I think we both have the underlying fear that without me, she’ll slip into her old ways. We’ve had good times together. We’ve laughed and enjoyed nights out, but it’s always felt like it was just a friendship. And don’t get me wrong, friendship is important in a relationship, but I’ve never been romantically attracted to her. I’ve done my best to fake it. To force the affection that doesn’t do anything for me. The kisses and touches that make me cringe.

It’s all a constant reminder of who I truly am, and it makes me live in this constant state of discomfort.

I don’t know if she’s ever noticed, but if she has, she’s never questioned it. I almost wish she would, that way maybe it would force me to be honest.

“Want some company?” Matías’s voice asks from the other side of the steam-covered shower door.

Everything in my head melts away when I see the blurry version of his naked body on the other side.


The door opens, and Matías walks in, a perfectly sculptured god with wavy brown hair.

“Morning,” he says with a crooked grin, walking me backward into the wall where we’re out of the spray of the water.

I smile. “Morning.”

His hands land on my hips before his mouth is on mine. As his tongue slides over mine, his hands curve around my cheeks, cupping and squeezing the flesh.

“How’s this?” he asks, a finger dancing delicately through the crease.

I suck in a breath. “Fine.”


He kisses along my jaw until he gets to my neck. My cock hardens against his leg, desperate for his attention.

Matías reaches between us, his fingers wrapping around my length, giving me a slow stroke.