He grabs my arm. “No. Please.”
“All right, all right.”
We end up just talking at the table for half an hour. When we go to the bar for another beer for Adrian and a water for me, that’s when someone approaches.
“Can I buy you guys a shot?”
I look over and find an attractive man on the other side of Adrian. He’s wearing a striped T-shirt and blue jeans and has a baseball cap on. His eyes are blue, and his smile is kind.
“Oh. Well, I’m not drinking, but he can have one,” I say, putting my hand on Adrian’s shoulder.
“Perfect. What do you like?”
“Uhh. Oh, I don’t know. Tequila?”
“Tequila, huh?” the guy says with a grin. “I do bad things when I drink tequila.”
Adrian’s cheeks turn pink, and he looks over at me. I lift my brows and give him an encouraging nod.
“Oh, yeah?” he asks, leaning against the bar. “What kind of bad things?”
The man laughs. “Maybe you’ll find out.”
As they get their drinks, I decide to slip away and go to the bathroom. On the way back, I’m stopped by a tall and fairly muscular guy in a black button-up.
“Hi,” I reply, looking up at him.
“You with anyone?”
“Just my friend.”
“Can I buy you a drink?”
“Well, I’m the DD, so it’ll have to be a boring drink.”
He gives me a crooked smile. “Just because the drink is boring doesn’t mean our conversation has to be.”
I grin. “Okay.”
We end up a few people away from Adrian and the guy he’s talking to.
“So, what’s your name?” he asks.
“Matías. Yours?”
“Blake. Do you live around here?”
“About an hour away. South River.”
“I went to SRU,” he says with excitement. “Are you in school there?”
“Yep. I graduate this year.”
“Awesome.” He takes a sip of his drink, staring at me the whole time. “I really love your eyes.”
“Really?” I question. “They’re just brown.”