Page 58 of Cocky Secrets

“Why act like he’s hurting her, making her fake the sounds, when he wasn’t? It’s not like he was going to change his mind. He might have had a plan.”


“If you set them free?—”

“—It will be because I’m acting in accordance with their rights, and the law.”

“I get it. But if you set them free at the same time, it’s like we’re an accessory to a crime we know they’re going to commit…against him. He did the right thing, and he’s going to get hurt for it. Maybe even killed.”

“Hmmm…” Hartford is silent, then, “I could postpone their hearing until Tuesday.”

“But keep his on Monday…”

“That’s the idea,” Hartford mutters, thinking about it. “Nobody would have cause to wonder at my decision, what with the busy docket I have for this coming Monday. I would like to look at their files again, theseSpiders, take another day…”

A grin spreads on my face. “You’re doing the right thing.”

Hartford replies, “Feels that way, doesn’t it?” as somber as he always is, but if I were in his chambers, I might have seen a smile in his eyes.

We hang up, and for the first time ever, I do a little dance in my driveway. Feels good to do good.

I know from his record that Briar is a bad guy, but he did a right thing.

He kept my woman safe.

And for that…

I owe him a chance.



I’m dressed in a slick black suit and tie, and I washed my truck, for the date with my woman. Feeling like I could conquer the world right about now.

When I arrive at The Ciphers’ gate and press the button, a staticky voice comes through that I recognize as Honey Badger’s. “You bring flowers?”

A smirk tugs at my mouth. “I did.”

“Then you can come in.”

The gate swings open and I drive the long distance under shadowy oak trees, thinking once more to myself, as I did the last time I was here, that they sure have hidden themselves well from society. Only now I have more of an idea how well.

About five feet from the porch’s front steps I park and jump out of my truck, adjusting my jeans for comfort and grabbing the red roses from the seat. My gaze slashes left and right of the mansion, scanning windows for what, I don’t know. The paint is peeling and not just in places, but everywhere. Taking the stairs two at a time, the boards creak under my shiny black shoes. What is this place? Who are the enigmas that live within?

Honey Badger opens the door, Margaret at his side. They both give me the once over, her eyes lighting up with crinkles atthe corners, his darkening as he grumbles, “A suit? I don’t even own a suit.”

I hesitate, my mind on what I’ve found out about The Ciphers as I survey his rugged face, the salt-and-peppered long hair. “Wanted to show my best side to your daughter.”

“You showed her that when you kicked The Spiders’ asses!”

Margaret sighs, tucking a red lock of hair behind her ear, “Antonio, let the man in!” She offers me a smile. “I think you look very handsome, Bear.”

They step back and I enter the foyer, the only part of the house I’ve been in. There are enormous paintings of people from another era, along with an old chandelier. One accent table with an antique vase centered on it.

Honey Badger jerks his chin to the roses, grunts, “Good choice.”

“Thanks,” I smile.