Page 4 of Things Get Dark

“What do you want from me?” she asked quietly, trying to ignore the throbbing between her legs the feral expression on the demon’s face elicited. She cried out as his large handsreached out and smoothed up the inside of her thighs, pushing her towel up.

“What don’t I want?” he growled. “First things first, I’d like a taste of you.”

Eidie gasped as Az dropped down on one knee, his face between her legs. A strangled moan burst from her as a tongue, hotter than anything she could ever recall, slithered over her delicate flesh. The demon hummed his approval, forked tongue snaking over her sensitive folds eagerly.

Eidie held her breath, staring at the patterns in the ceiling. She shouldn’t be enjoying this. It was all manner of wrong. Az was ademon! He was the epitome of all things evil and depraved… But shit, he hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d told her he knew what he was doing. Her thighs shook against the hold his spell had on her, eager to spread themselves for more of Az’s attentions.

The demon pulled away briefly. Before Eidie could complain, he pressed a thumb to her mound, gently lifting the skin there, exposing the sensitive bundle of nerves. When he leaned in once more, hot tongue circling her, Eidie gasped. Pleasure like she’d never known rushed through her body. Az had barely begun licking at her, and yet she already felt a powerful climax building.

“I–I’m going to, y’know… If you keep doing that,” she spluttered.

“Come?” Az said, dark eyes looking up at her. He cast her a feral smile. “I know.”

When he continued torturing her, Eidie moaned. Her hands balled into fists as she fought against the desire to give in to the pleasure the demon was bringing to life within her. It was a battle she was losing, her self–control slipping away through her fingers.

“Oh, God!” she cried out, her body teetering on the edge of climax. Suddenly, Az removed his mouth from her and got back to his feet. Eidie spluttered angrily, confused and frustrated.

“You had to go and ruin it by mentioninghim, eh?” he said, narrowing his eyes. “You’re going to regret that.”

“Fuck, no, I didn’t mean—” Eidie yelped as she fell from the wall, dropping down onto the tiles with a thump. Her towel fell from her, fluttering down and covering her head. She ripped it away, just in time to see Az stalking back into the living room. Her eyes dropped to a long, whip–like tail, sprouting from his tailbone, a tuft of dark hair at the very tip. Eidie swallowed, before hurriedly scampering after him, clutching her towel to her chest to hide her nakedness.

“I’m… sorry?” she said, hovering awkwardly at the foot of the sofa as Az threw himself down on it. It struck her how completely backwards it was that she was apologising to the demon who had entered her home uninvited, yet the words fell from her regardless.

Az huffed, evading her gaze. Had she hurt his feelings? Eidie supposed mentioning the big guy upstairs had been rather tactless of her. She fiddled with the edge of her towel. Her body thrummed with the arousal Az had expertly stoked within her and despite herself, shereallywanted to explore more of what this sinful demon had in store for her.

“Can I make it up to you?”

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Eidie knew she had been duped. Az cast her a smile that was utterly demonic and she shivered. Why did she get the impression she was going to regret offering?

“Come here.” Az curled a talon–tipped finger at her and Eidie’s body moved against her will.

“Wh–?!” she gasped, staring down at her traitorous legs as they closed the gap between her and the demon.

“Leave the towel.”

“N–no! I think I’d—” Despite her protesting, Eidie dropped her towel immediately, stepping over the pile of material as she approached. The demon’s sharp gaze roved over her naked body, eyeing her keenly, and she felt a blush rise on her cheekbones.

“I do so love curvaceous, nubile flesh,” he murmured, licking that sinful, forked tongue over a fang. “Come. A little closer.”

“P–please…” Eidie whimpered, powerless to resist his instruction.

Az sat up, leaning back against the arm of the sofa. He spread his legs and patted the space between them. Eidie’s body eagerly clambered up to join him.

“Why don’t you show me how remorseful you are for that little faux pas just now?” He smirked.

“But I don’t– Oh!” Eidie’s body immediately responded. She watched, helpless, as she squirmed her naked body over Az’s bare chest, pressing her breasts against the heat of him. She leaned in, peppering soft, chaste kisses over his face, down over his jaw. Her hands stroked through his dark, surprisingly soft hair.

“That’s nice,” he breathed, simply laying back and allowing Eidie to shower him with affection.

Before long, Eidie wasn’t sure if her body was still under Az’s control, or if she really was getting into this. She spread her thighs, straddling his hips and rocking subtly against him. She took Az’s face in her hands, delighting in the sparkle of interest she found in his eyes. Eidie drove her tongue into his mouth, moaning softly. Her stomach clenched with need when the demon mirrored it, grasping her firmly by her nape to prevent her from pulling away too soon.

They kissed deeply and feverishly for a long moment, only breaking when Az palmed her behind and Eidie gasped. She clutched him close, eyes closed and mouth hanging open as hishot lips trailed all over her, dipping down to suckle at her throat. Her entire being trembled, that powerful desire from the kitchen returning full force.

The demon pushed her away with a low growl and shook his head. “Fuck, no. I’m not supposed to be making this easy for you. You’re the one who offered to make it up to me.” He cleared his throat and ran a palm down his face. “Get to work.” He lifted his hips beneath her, a less than subtle hint as to what he wanted from her.

Despite her nervousness, Eidie eagerly wriggled backwards until she sat on her knees between the demon’s legs once more. She eyed the large bulge beneath the thin material of his pants, her mouth watering. Memories of the romance book assaulted her. If Az was, in fact, the same as the demon in that novel, she knew just what to do. Eidie curled her fingers beneath the waistband, tugging the material down.

A gasp escaped her as she unveiled exactly what she was both excited and terrified to see beneath. Just like in the book, Az was sporting not one, but two cocks – one on top of the other. One was significantly larger, but even the smaller of them was sizeable. Eidie pressed her lips together as she took the foreign appendages in.